Is a Business Major the best option to go with as an undergrad to get into a good business school? I understand I need to have a job for some time in between graduating and applying for grad school but would a business major prepare me the best for the job and application? I am also strongly considering majoring in Economics, but I’d like to do what will give me the best shot after graduating. Sorry if this is a bad question but I don’t know too much about this so some advice would be great. Thanks.

Taking a business major would be a plus factor to get into business school. But it’s not necessarily a must, I think, I’m not a professional yet, it’s just a hunch. It will prepare you for the job and the application, but I think the best one to prepare you would be yourself. Economics may be able to give you a good job. especially when you consider trying to practice that profession overseas because economics is quite an exquisite course to take and it may be best not to stop learning about it after you graduate.

People go into MBA programs from all walks of life. There is no requirement or particular advantage to having a business undergraduate degree. I know people who have gone to the top MBA schools (Wharton, Harvard, UChicago) with diverse backgrounds (ex. engineering, air force pilot, liberal arts, computer programing etc.) What is important will be very high grades, very high GMATs, excellent work experience, and strong recommendations.

Agree with @happy1 When I went back to school for my MBA years ago the people in my class had a wide variety of undergraduate degrees (my undergrad was not business). The program was designed for people from all walks of life (this was a traditional school, not an on-line degree). In addition, there would be some duplication between an undergrad business and an MBA. Yes graduate classes v. undergrad, but still a lot of overlap. Do your undergrad degree in what you want to study. 4 years is a lot of time to study so study what interests you.