MCAT Study group/buddy...horrible idea? or?

<p>Throughout my research of various methods and strategies for prepping for the MCAT, I've never seen or read anything about students prepping/studying TOGETHER. Is there some unwritten rule that warns against studying with others for the MCAT or has no one really considered it an option? I need to know!</p>

<p>Comments are greatly appreciated!!!! Thank you.</p>

<p>It depends on the form of studying! If you are in a college which doesn’t have a lot of pre med students, having a group study might help the rest of you that are serious about their scores! However, since the medical school admissions are so tough, beware of people who might lie to you or play dumb in front of you just so they could get ahead! I recommend you only get one (or maybe 2) friends to study with. Make sure you personally know them and you trust them! This way, the group stays small and you both benefit from having each other!</p>