<p>Hey guys im really excited, I just received the McCombs scholarship for incoming freshman in the amount of $20,000 ($5,000 per year). I have a few questions. Does UT automatically sign you up for the application to this scholarship? I did not apply. What's the criteria? Also there was not much information in the envelope. Will this scholarship be restricted to just tuition fees? I am in dire need of a new computer. Thanks guys!</p>
<p>How were you notified of your scholarship offer?</p>
<p>Through snail mail</p>
<p>Did you do UT general scholarships on dec 1st, tho?</p>
<p>Yeah I did the general scholarship app. I’m wondering if they passed my info onto McCombs.</p>
<p>When you apply to UT Austin before Dec 1 deadline you are automatically considered for for ALL available scholarships, that don’t have special application requirements, including scholarships from different schools/departments and different endowment funds [Texas</a> Scholarships: Endowed Scholarships](<a href=“http://www.texasscholarships.org/types/endowed.html]Texas”>http://www.texasscholarships.org/types/endowed.html)</p>
<p>My D also received a significant scholarship. We did not get any mail or email. She just logged in and saw scholarship in her financial aid package online. It was a very big surprise. A pleasant one.:-)</p>
<p>I was just wondering, because I missed the UT scholarship deadline (by literally half a second, lol) and i’ve been stressing about FA stuff. Just checked the mail, though, and found out i received a 60k scholarship from UT! soo ecstatic! So to future applicants who miss the scholarship deadline: All hope is not lost!
<p>Wow! Congrats Hayacostbh! I know you had been watching for BHP scholarship notifications as I have. </p>
<p>Which scholarship did you receive?</p>
<p>I went to the mail today and was excited to see a letter from McCombs for my D, who is on spring break but after opening it, it was just a letter thanking her for attending UT VIP. I’m getting discouraged. She has all these wonderful offers from other colleges. Just don’t understand why she has heard from UT about ANYTHING.</p>
<p>Thank you so much! It definitely came as a surprise, since I had no idea the university itself gave scholarships, and the BHP scholarship is the only UT one I applied for. Definitely made my spring break! It came from UT’s president, and it says I’m a recipient of the “Exemplary President’s Achievement Scholarship”. I’m so grateful for it. The letter was dated March 9th, so it seems like notifications have just begun to roll out (judging from my friends’ fb posts as well). Past threads indicate that scholarship news was received from late march to late april, so there is definitely still a possibility.</p>
<p>If it’s President’s Achievement scholarship you probably forgot that you applied. :-)</p>
<p>I am looking at my D’s printed application now.</p>
<p>When you applied there was a 3 part scholarship section in ApplyTexas</p>
<p>Part 1 University Scholarships: Automatic Consideration
All admitted students are automatically considered for the following scholarship:</p>
<p>President’s Achievement Scholarship
(Awards range from $1,000 to $5,000 per year and can be awarded for up to four years.)</p>
<p>Part 2 University Scholarships: Selectable
Please select the university wide scholarships for which you are applying</p>
<p>A long list with special requirements, sometimes additional essay. Terry Foundation Scholarship is there, Texas Exes Scholarship for entering freshmen, Longhorn Opportunity Scholarship mentioned in another topic, a lot of endowments</p>
<p>Part 3 Major Specific Scholarships
4 scholarships (Astronomy, Liberal Arts, Communication, Nursing)</p>
<p>Some of these scholarships come from very different funds and have different names like Texas Exes has 3 pages of different scholarship funds [Entering</a> Freshman Scholarships - Texas Exes Scholarship Foundation](<a href=“http://www.texasexesscholarshipfoundation.org/scholarships/named/freshman.aspx?page=1]Entering”>http://www.texasexesscholarshipfoundation.org/scholarships/named/freshman.aspx?page=1)</p>
<p>Besides these university scholarships there are different department/school and endowed scholarships. A friend of my D got Hugh Liedtke Endowment scholarship last year. It took some time even to find what it was and who awarded it.</p>
<p>Besides, there are some state scholarships that UT is going to consider like </p>
<p>Top 10% scholarship (up to $4,000 per year)
[College</a> For All Texans: Top 10% Scholarship Program](<a href=“http://www.collegeforalltexans.com/apps/financialaid/tofa2.cfm?ID=385]College”>College For All Texans:)</p>
<p>Valedictorian scholarship (tuition waiver 1st year)
[College</a> For All Texans: Exemption for Highest Ranking High School Graduate](<a href=“http://www.collegeforalltexans.com/apps/financialaid/tofa2.cfm?ID=431]College”>College For All Texans: Highest Ranking High School Graduate)</p>
<p>Thanks Ya Ya, but I know for a fact that I never applied. UT Mystatus + my applytexas both list my scholarship app as incomplete, and i never touched the scholarship section of the application (commonapp was my priority after I turned in my UT/bhp application). I don’t think my scholarship is the same as the one you listed. The President’s Achievement Scholarship you listed ranges up to 5k, and the one i was offered (Exemplary President’s Achievement Scholarship) was 15k per year (60k total). I’ve googled and nothing has come up so I’m rather curious of the criteria this scholarship was based off of.</p>
<p>So would mine be considered a departmental scholarship?</p>
<p>If you guys recieved the letters yesterday, where do you live? I live not too far from Austin so I’m wondering if I will receive notifications later or not.</p>
<p>Your stats must be really high and your school must really want you if they gave you scholarship in these circumstances. I read stories like this about private universities (somebody missed scholarship deadline but got a huge departmental merit scholarship anyway), but this is the first UT story. Congratulations! Did your stats qualify you for 40 acres scholarship?</p>
<p>Nobody knows. They call “scholarship for incoming freshman” everything where freshmen qualify (some scholarships are for current students only)
[Financing</a> Your Degree | McCombs School of Business | The University of Texas at Austin](<a href=“http://www.mccombs.utexas.edu/BBA/Financing-Your-Degree.aspx]Financing”>http://www.mccombs.utexas.edu/BBA/Financing-Your-Degree.aspx)
Did you check TexasExes when you applied?</p>
You can check it online.
Go to My Status,
Fall 2012 Scholarship,
See Ca$h,
My History on the left side,
View my Financial Aid at UT Austin.</p>
<p>Hey guys sorry for bothering yall so much but I just checked my be a longhorn site and under financial aid it says I was awarded the President’s Achievement Scholarship - Tier 1. Is this different from the McCombs scholarship for incoming freshman? Because they are both in the amount of 5k. But the McCombs one isn’t popping up on the financial aid thing, is it because I haven’t accepted it? (They mailed me the offer) I would be so ecstatic if it was two different scholarships!</p>
<p>@mistaked I live about 30 minutes away from Austin.</p>
<p>@Ya Ya, I wish! I didn’t apply for 40 acres (or any of those hefty/baby scholarships). I had heard it was a lengthy and tedious process, so my mom had discouraged me from doing so.</p>
<p>Also, do you have to have accepted enrollment to see the fa on the status page? Mine hints that I’ve received a scholarship, but does not specify which one nor the amount.</p>
<p>Congrats, enticingplague! Sounds like two separate scholarships to me:)</p>
<p>Thanks. I live about 3 hours away. Hopefully I’ll get info Monday or Tuesday. My finaid has a bar at the moment, but I’ll be submitting the required document soon enough.
I don’t know if the bar prevents me from seeing scholarships (which I would doubt) or if I just didn’t get any. Would be disappointing, but I guess I’ll find out tomorrow or so.</p>
<p>Congrats to everyone who’s gotten scholarships! Some of those awards are truly spectacular. :)</p>
<p>What are your stats if you don’t mind me asking?</p>
<p>I need to correct my previous statement. We received a scholarship letter today dated 3/9. There is a agreement form attached. Deadline 5/1.
The scholarship was available online 3/9, I believe it’s when my D discovered it.</p>