McDonough Business School

<p>How are the job prospects coming out of there?</p>

<p>I'm more interested in anecdotal evidence because stats don't show everything and one of the biggest gaps is bonus size (which is a healthy chunk for a financier).</p>

<p>Also, please don't give me rankings because I think Georgetown's reputation might weigh more than an arbitrary system of ranking</p>

<p>Are you asking for the general job prospects of finance majors? or business school kids? or are you asking very generally about the broad job market?</p>

<p>I am asking very specifically about McDonough (versus say Cornell/Wharton/Uva)</p>

<p>Depends what job you’re talking about and what program within these schools (i.e. Cornell AEM versus Cornell College or UVA McIntire versus UVA College)</p>

<p>If you’re talking about nyc ibanking (in my opinion and from what I’ve seen/heard) it’s Wharton, McDonough/AEM/McIntire). I’ve heard McIntire places much more in Charlotte and in the south. Georgetown has a huge presence in NYC. Wharton hands down strong all across. AEM (small program), but according to my friend who is in it, it places very well. Apparently the hardest program to get into at Cornell (but easiest academically apparently)… are you choosing b/t these programs?</p>

<p>Also really depends on how you measure “job prospects” (i.e. number of alumni, banking placement, etc)…</p>

<p>before any UVA or Cornell kids jump at my throat, I just want to clarify that in the post above I’m saying McDonough roughly the same UVA or Cornell in terms of job placement. Once you get into a good program, you as a student still need to work hard academically (i.e. 3.5+ GPA) and have solid internships to have any sort of job placement in this market.</p>

<p>wow, great info. For all schools mentioned, I’m talking about the business school (not college). So It’s CALS for Cornell, Wharton for Upenn, Mcintire for UVA and McDonough for GTown. </p>

<p>I’m not sure if I’m looking at banking in particular. I’m looking at asset management in general. Whether its a trust fund, hedge fund or pension plan is the uncertainty of the future. Also, I’m not worried about market prospects. I believe that a person who is devoted and hard working and most importantly one who excels in his field will always find a job.</p>

<p>“Also, I’m not worried about market prospects. I believe that a person who is devoted and hard working and most importantly one who excels in his field will always find a job.”</p>

<p>That’s the attitude to have, most people think that going to a top program will get you a job. Completely ignorant if you ask me. A good program will open doors for you and land you an interview, but at the end of the day, it’s the applicant him/herself that gets the job. Going to any of these programs and excelling will get you a job anywhere (including AM)…</p>

<p>Necrophiliac… sorry random question. But wut da eff lol. Is your name phil? I can’t think of another reason you’d choose a username symbolizing your love to hump corpses…? Unless it was supposed to be funny. It is funny. In a morbid way</p>

<p>It is funny in a morbid way =)

<p>edit: there are graveyards on campus. That’s why I applied</p>

<p>haha i noticed the graveyard too, adds a unique feel to the campus…</p>