McGill acceptance before Jan. 1, 2024?

If my son applies right when the McGill application opens this Oct. 2023, is there any chance that we would hear back from McGill (Arts&Science) before Jan. 1? (My son’s stats are SAT 1510, 4.0 unweighted average, HS doesn’t have APs. He is US citizen.). McGill is high on his list and if we heard back before RD, it would be so helpful. Would love to hear if anyone got accepted before US RD deadline and if so, what were your stats.

Looking at last year’s thread, it seems that the first acceptances were in December, so there’s certainly a chance. Good luck!


There’s certainly a chance. My daughter didn’t apply that early last year, but she did get her acceptance back within 4 weeks or so of applying. I get the sense that, while they don’t notify applicants in the order received, they do send out acceptances more quickly for applicants who clearly have the stats to get in – your son is extremely likely to be in that group. It’s the people who are closer to the margins who might have to wait longer to hear.

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As others have said, given your son’s stats, there is a good chance that he would get his decision in December. But no guarantees.

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During the college tour, we were told the timing is admission depends on citizenship, grades, and the relative selectivity of the specific school/program. Canadians, and to some degree French, have a higher priority.

When does first semester end for your student? It seemed to my kid that everything was “on hold” until that final batch of 1st semester senior year grades were available to submit, then she got in very quickly. But her school had a semester that stretched into January, as opposed to August start states/schools that ended at holiday time.


Canadian students are usually the last to be admitted because of their emphasis on grade 12/CEGEP marks. McGill is required to have 50% of undergraduates be Quebec residents. So that may be a factor too.

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This is really helpful! My kid’s school actually prioritizes senior grades and gets them out in Dec. probably for this reason.
Thank you!

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For international IB students, the application doesn’t ask for expected IB grade, and counselors say that an email request will be forthcoming, does anyone know when that happens, and whether it impacts timing of admission?