<p>Hey everyone. I recently posted this question on the McGill board and was advised by violindad to wander over this way. </p>
<p>I applied to McGill for my Master of Music degree (in performance). I have already had my audition at the music school and it went very well. I got very good feedback. I auditioned at two other schools and have one more scheduled, but I am considering cancelling it. </p>
<p>However, I was wondering.. do any of you know anything about acceptance into the university for grad students? </p>
<p>I have a 3.55 gpa with all A's in my music courses, but a few C's and even one D+ in gen ed courses from my first year of college. I understand McGill is an academically rigorous school - what is expected of international graduate students (I'm from the US)? How much weight will my audition and very good recommendations have on my acceptance? </p>
<p>I'd really like to end up at McGill, but hope my gpa will not affect my chances negatively. Any insight?? </p>