McGill, Imperial and UIUC

<p>I got accepted for Mechanical engineering in all three schools. I need help making a decision.</p>

<p>imperial silly</p>


<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>obviously IMPERIAL!</p>

<p>Hey guys, do you know if it possible to transfer to chemical engineering if you have been accepted for chemistry?</p>

<p>Should be. I’m assuming youve taken AP/IB physics ofc.</p>

<p>Thanx for the replies I would like to know why -apart from its high rankings- you would choose Imperial. I seriously doubt that I will be able to visit any of the schools to get a feel of the environment. I have been told that there is no sense of community at Imperial. What is the added value and possible disadvantages of going to Imperial ?</p>

<p>Yea Imperial’s campus - community feel worries me. There is no traditional campus, all the buildings and dorms are kind of spread out. Not really my kind of place. I would rather go to US schools because of the campus. But then Imperial, its got to be one of the best engineering schools and because of this I would pick it over the 2 other schools you listed. </p>

Your in London
Easy to party
Imperial nice reputation
Very huge international population (if that’s what your looking for)</p>

London is expensive
Loss of traditional university feel
I heard for LSE, it feels like undergrads are under appreciated, professors are hard to contact. Not sure about Imperial though.
People study hard (not that social, if again if that’s what your looking for)
I heard the opposite sex population is average
You are stuck to study one course. Like I got accepted for Pure chemistry but I want to environmental or chemical engineering now but I am not sure if they will let me transfer but I hope don’t need to cause I want to go US schools.</p>