McGill vs UBC

<p>I'm from NYC and considering Canadian schools, however I have not visited either Mcgill or UBC..yet. Anyone who has visited or graduated or is currently a student at one of these schools, can you tell me the pros and cons of each? Also, which school is tougher to get into and what are the average SAT scores and GPAs of students who applied to the undergrad programs? how important are extracurricular activities?</p>

<p>I live in Vancouver (where UBC is) so hopefully I can help! Most Canadians don’t take the SAT before applying to Canadian universities so I don’t think you need to worry about your SAT scores. To get into UBC science, you need at least a 94% average; but if you are going into arts or something other than science and engineering, you can get in with a lower average. McGill is harder to get into and is the better school out of the two. After all, it’s apparently the “Harvard” of Canada.
Good luck!</p>

<p>McGill requires SAT I and II or ACT with writing for all US applicants. Minimum SAT scores are as high as 670 in each of the five parts of the SAT for the more competitive programs.</p>

<p>[Admissions</a> standards for previous years | Undergraduate Admissions - McGill University](<a href=“]Admissions”></p>