McIntire vs Pamplin for Accounting

I am a community college freshman in accounting that was just accepted to UVA’s McIntire School of Commerce and VT’s Pamplin school for the coming fall semester. I am undecided about which to attend-- McIntire is more prestigious but also more rigorous, so I would probably get better grades at Pamplin. Furthermore, VT seems to have a really good alumni network, so that would benefit me in the future. Any thoughts/opinions would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

Read the fine print re: Mcintire if finances are an issue. The Mcintire-specific courses average out to 3x more expensive per credit hour vs. Pamplin and you have the add’l $4,500+ annual global immersion fee requirement (plus your airfare costs).

If you have the cash and desire to travel overseas then Charlottesville may be your better location. VT probably does have a broader alumni network. I’m not so certain that there’s a measurable difference in rigor or that you would probably get better grades at one vs. the other. VT’s campus is much more appealing by far than UVA.

My question would be did you actually get accepted into McIntire or just get accepted as transfer into UVA. My impression was you apply to McIntire after sophomore year.

If you got accepted direct into McIntire I would go that direction. I like that Pamplin starts you out early direct into business where UVA makes you do Fresh/Soph liberal arts and doesn’t have you go into McIntire until Junior year. But I’m going to assume you went into CC with a lot of credits and after freshman year then have enough to be considered into McIntire.

So I guess in summary - the advantage to Pamplin is negated in your case if you are accepted direct in to McIntire as essentially a Junior upcoming. I think the advantages then for McIntire outway Pamplin.