MDB and Camp 1831

What to do? DS auditions for the MDB March the 5th by skype. It looks like they won’t find out if they made it till May the 1st. Should he go ahead and sign up for Camp 1831 August 3-5? If he doesn’t make it into the band what would he do the week that would normally be band camp? Do we wait till May to sign up and take the chance that they would have slots still available? Decisions, decisions.

I would contact UA and ask if you can sign up for Camp and if he gets into MDB, if they would refund your money if he can’t go to Camp.

I think band camp does not start till August the 6th. Camp 1831 is before band camp. However if he doesn’t make it into the band what would he do during what is supposed to be band camp week? Should I ask if they will refund if he doesn’t make it in?

He can choose to do one of the three Honors Action courses.
My son did Outdoor Action a thoroughly enjoyed it!

If I remember correctly, the first session of 1831 fills up faster, so he might be able to switch to the 2nd session if needed in May or June. Either way, just don’t wait until July, and you should be able to work something out.

Hope this helps,

Thank you. We are going to bite the bullet and enroll him in the first camp. Praying he does well for his audition.