MDB and Skype Audition. HELP!

DS has his audition tomorrow for MDB. We were told he could Skype it. He even emailed the director about it, however he has not received anything on a Skype ID. DS is calm and cool but mom here is freaking out. Has anyone done the audition via Skype before? Will he get an email right before his time with more information?

I’m sorry nobody here knew anything. How did it go? Did he arrange the Skype audition?

Everything went great. He emailed the director first thing in the morning and got all the information needed. Thanks for asking.

Fingers crossed for him!!! Let us know! Hopefully, he and my DS will be bandmates!

Wonderful! He’ll have a blast in the band!

DS just got notification that he made it into the band for next year. He is extremely excited and grateful for this opportunity.

Congrats to him! :slight_smile:

@bandmomof3 Congrats! What instrument does he play? I got in too so maybe I’ll be seeing him this fall!

Congrats to DS of @bandmomof3! I love the MDB - they are awesome.

@bandmomof3 DS made it in as well! Tuba, here… and a big surprise- he thought the audition went “rough”. I like to think the fact that he dressed up for it might have helped. Congrats to all MDB members, new and returning! Can’t wait to be see my boy in that sharp uniform!

@Raxterfawk DS plays the mellophone. What instrument do you play? He is hoping it will be one big family kind of like he has already.

@bandmomof3 I also play mellophone! I’ll most likely see him then