Me disez quelquechose, s'il vous plait :)

<p>I've given in my application, and there's NOTHING I can do about it!! But I just really wanna know what you think!!</p>

<p>I'm an Indian student applying for financial aid. But I've completed high school from Singapore. So I'll probably be considered part of the Singaporean applicants' pool.</p>

<p>Applying for Math</p>

Grade 9: Valedictorian, with 100/100 in Math, 98 in Science, etc
Grade 10: Valedictorian in ICSE exams, with 100/100 in Math, 98 in Science. etc. Most subject prizes. 5th in city out of 30,009 applicants, and highest scorer in school's history.
Grades 11 and 12-Full IB DIPLOMA from Singapore, on full scholarship:
Maths HL- 7
Physics HL- 7
Chemistry HL- 7
English A1 SL- 6
French ab initio- 6
History SL- 6
Additional points- 0 [very confused!!]
Best Math Student award for grades 11 and 12.</p>

<p>SAT I- CR- 730, Math- 770, W- 710 [2 sittings]
SAT II- Math II C- 800, Physics- 800, Chemistry- 800 [1 sitting]</p>

<p>Academic awards:
1. Val for grades 9 and 10 in India, out of 250 students in a competitive private magnet
2. Sole recipient of the Keppel Magus Scholarship to study in Singapore. Every school in the state had sent about 5 representatives, which comes to about 300+ applicants.
3. BS Chitlangia trophy for academic excellence
4. Various subject awards
5. Bronze medal, Singapore Math Olympiad</p>

<p>Extra- curricular:
1. Guitar- Founder and lead guitarist of rock band in India, lead guitarist of jazz band and french band in Singapore.
2. Quiz- Captain of quiz bowl team, won numerous state awards like Abhilakshya
3. Founder and President of French Cultural Club
4. Dance choreographer
5. A bit of script writing.
5. EXTENSIVE INDEPENDENT MATH RESEARCH. [In my humble opinion, my paper's sure to gather some interest]. I was called the 'Math guy' at school.</p>

1. Caltech [top choice!!]
2. Princeton
3. University of Chicago
4. SUNY Stony Brook [got in]</p>

<p>Leadership positions:

  1. Speaker of Students’ Council [Grade 10]
  2. Class representative to Students’ Council [Grade 9]
  3. President of French Cultural Club [Grades 11 and 12]
  4. Have organised numerous fests…</p>

My common app was about my guitaring experience. It was intended to be humorous, but some of my peers found it difficult to follow. So maybe it’s kinda poor…</p>

<p>My Caltech and Princeton supplement contain an essay in which I detail my experience of trying to prove Fermat’s Last Theorem!! I think it was well written…</p>

<p>wasnt Fermat’s Last therom proved in 1995?</p>

<p>lol that would be funny</p>

<p>LMAO. Yeah!!!
It was a ‘failed’ attempt!!</p>

<p>But the experience still counts for something, right? :D</p>

<p>The point is, it was a mathematical puzzle which baffled the best brains in the world for centuries!! And this dumb school guy thinks he stands a chance against that kinda history…the colleges might see something positive in my unhindered ambition…hopefully :)</p>

<p>wait…what was the Pton topic for that one…I don’t remember a free choice essay</p>

<p>There was something about ‘some stones remain…blah blah’
So I wrote about the extensive time I took out of my schedule to try and prove the theorem, in spite of knowing that it would probably turn out to be a failed attempt.
So the journey was not about accomplishment. It was about mathematical discovery…</p>

<p>oh okay. I wrote about my dad lol. But it was a very personal essay</p>

So what about ‘chancing’ me?? lol</p>

<p>So sorry about making late additions:
my ICSE score:- 96.6% [the grade 10 exams]. I was val and all that…</p>

<p>Hard to tell…you have good stats, but international is always rough</p>

Had my Princeton interview today. The interviewer said that Princeton will be a great fit for me…</p>

<p>96.6 was the 5th highest in the city? 2008 i hope? cause in 2009, there are way higher scores.</p>

<p>yeah. 2008</p>

<p>u should be able to get into chicago. i’m not sure about caltech and princeton. your sat scores are kinda low.</p>

<p>you got a 7 in HL math?</p>

<p>um. please tell me your secrets…</p>

<p>haha. Just LIKE math!! You’ll figure out the rest :)</p>

<p>Got rejected from Caltech.</p>
