Meal plan charges on Action Card Statement

<p>Small complaint about the Action Card service. Earlier this semester Son thought that he had been charged twice in one day for a Meal Plan, so we finally got around to looking at his Action Card statements on-line and noticed that the Meal Plan charges don’t show up on the monthly statements. I called the Action Card service and they said they just don’t show the Meal Plan charges (no reason given) but that Son could come into the office and get a statement showing the charges. They also said that Son could balance the remaining Meal Plan count that is shown on-line with the receipts he gets whenever he charges a meal plan. I suggested that they show each of the Meal Plan charges and associated date of the charge in the on-line statements just as they do for all other charges on the Action Card, but I didn’t get the impression that my suggestion was going to change their puzzling practice of excluding that specific information. </p>

<p>I don’t think it matters much this year because all the reports I have read of students not using up the 160 meals that all freshman pay for, but it will matter next year when we attempt to purchase a smaller number of meals.</p>

<p>Why does your son think he was charged twice for one Meal Plan? </p>

<p>*but that Son could come into the office and get a statement showing the charges. *</p>

<p>I wonder why he has to come into the office. Can’t they just bring up his account while on the phone?</p>

<p>I think the recent charges they show on-line (since the last statement) do show the meal plans for at least a day or so (I saw a charge yesterday but it was gone today) and he saw that he was charged twice for a meal plan in one day when he had only eaten once.</p>

<p>Maybe they could do it over the phone, but they didn’t offer that option when I talked to them. I wonder why they just don’t show the charges in the on-line monthly statement since they obviously have the information on hand.</p>

<p>I agree…weird that the info doesn’t stay online for the semester.</p>

<p>I would call and ask to speak to a higher up person. </p>

<p>And I would get the “time stamps” for those meal plan deductions. If they’re within a minute, then it was an overcharge - unless he “guested” someone. It they’re for 2 very different times, then either your son forgot about a meal that he ate, or something very odd happened.</p>

<p>I am thinking it was probably a one-time mistake by the person swiping the card, however Son did lose his card early on and then it was returned after several days, so there is at least some possiblity that someone somehow has taken his code. I tend to think not because he has 132 meals remaining for the semester, which seems about right to me given the number of days he has been on campus.</p>

<p>I am going to give it a few weeks and see if they do add it based on the call and suggestion I already have made.</p>