Meal plan downgrade question

<p>I was going to send a PM but I figured there might be others in the same situation who may also like to see the answer.</p>

<p>D will technically be a sophomore after December 10th, so I know that as an upperclassman she can drop down to the bronze (90 meal) or lower plan. Since she has 96 meals left as of today, that’s probably a good idea. </p>

<p>However, there are flashing stars on the Bama Dining website and the text next to them say: Please note that All meal plans are sold as a yearly contract. You will be billed for the meal plan selected in fall and automatically billed for the same meal plan in spring on your Student Receivables account.</p>

<p>So have they changed things for this year or can we still downgrade? And what would the process be to downgrade? I’d really rather just give her the difference on a Publix card.

<p>i was planning to downgrade too.</p>

<p>i hope we can still do that.</p>

<p>why don’t you email and ask.</p>

<p>maybe the flashing stars are for those who wish to get rid of a meal plan completely.</p>

<p>i hope so.</p>

<p>IIRC, there is a small charge ($35) for changing a meal plan. Note that this is not the same thing as cancelling a meal plan, which is not allowed after a certain date. You can switch meal plans for the spring semester, all the “meal plans are sold as a yearly contract” means is that you will be purchasing the same meal plan for spring semester as you did for fall unless you notify Bama Dining of a change.</p>


<p>Yes, and if you downgrade, you don’t carry over any meals from Fall.</p>

<p>Let me know what you find out? I tried to downgrade and it let me, but then I got nervous because of the flashing star saying that it was sold for the year so I sent an email asking…I hope we can because my son just wants the 50 meals and he can buy his own food for cheaper…I really hope it worked!</p>

<p>Thanks guys! </p>

<p>Bassettmomma: how exactly do you downgrade? I couldn’t see any links. Except for the meal plan order form at: [Bama</a> Dining Order Form - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Bama”> But then I was afraid if I ordered one that way then there might be two charges.</p>

<p>I know that is why I am nervous. What if I did it wrong? I did send an email to have them clarify but no response yet. I really hope I didnt mess up.</p>

<p>This is the answer to the downgrade question!
Thank you for contacting Bama Dining regarding your spring meal plan.
You currently have a Silver Plan on your account for Fall and Spring.
As the terms and conditions of meal plans state, all meal plans are sold
as a yearly contract. You will be automatically billed this spring for
the meal plan that was selected in fall and billed on your Student
Receivables account. This policy is promoted and enforced just as all
charges applied to your Student Receivables account are enforced.</p>

<p>Not good I thought we could switch!!</p>

<p>it does mention something about rollover meals will not rollover to a downgraded mealplan.</p>

<p>so under what conditions CAn you downgrade a mealplan.</p>

<p>DK- It does say if you join a fraternity or sorority you can get a downgrade, but I cant see any other way. This is upsetting it is such a waste of money but I guess we just have to pay for this year and then next year we can do a smaller or no plan.</p>

<p>do we have anyone here that has actually downgraded for a spring semester in the past???</p>

<p>Hmmmm. I thought that the kids who would be sophomores in the Spring (due to AP credits) could bump down because freshman are required to have that meal plan and they’re not freshmen anymore after the end of exams. But I also never saw those flashing star icons on the page before. Maybe an experienced parent can advise; but maybe policy has changed this year too. </p>

<p>Boy, if D keeps that meal plan and the fall meals roll over that means she’ll start off in January with about 250 meals :)</p>

<p>If your child currently has soph status, then I would just call and request the downgrade (I would not mention that this is your child’s first year. I would just mention that my child is a sophomore and wants to downgrade). If your child still has frosh status, and won’t have soph status til after this semester, I imagine it would be harder to downgrade since the computer would still be showing frosh status.</p>

<p>BTW…I REALLY think Bama needs a plan that is between Bronze and Silver. I guess the new Thrifty 20 plan achieves that purpose.</p>

Probably why the Donate A Meal program was started. If a student rolls over into spring with 250 meals, and STILL has 10 guest meals, what better way to help another student by donating a guest meal.</p>

<p>Of course, I would love to see the kids able to donate more than one meal a semester, and donate not just guest meals, but regular meals.</p>

<p>But, campus dining is a business, and they have costs/overhead/employees, just like a regular business, so they can’t give away too much.</p>

<p>We have to look at it as a learning experience and use it to gauge what we sign up for next year.</p>

<p>I know there are students out there who underestimated how many meals they need, which is why there’s the Thrifty 20 plan, and the guest meal plan, too, so you can help out a classmate who is running out of meals at the end of the semester by treating them to a guest meal.</p>

<p>The email I got back from the dining services seems pretty clear that the contract is for a year and they will not let us downgrade. I guess someone else can try and call and see what they say…Let us know if you get an answer.</p>

<p>Meal plans are sold as yearly contracts but that doesn’t mean you can’t downgrade your plan. It just means you can’t order a plan for one semester and not the other. If downgrades weren’t possible then they wouldn’t mention them and list a fee for doing so. </p>

<p>Once your kid has Soph status simply call Bama Dining and tell them you want to downgrade for spring semester. Don’t give them anymore info than they need. I believe the downgrade fee is $35</p>

<p>OK. I guess what I’ll do is call after MyBama shows her status as a sophomore (which I’m guessing will be after December 10th.) But the schedule has to be confirmed/paid by December 10th…</p>

<p>I’ll let you know what they tell me.</p>

<p>We wish to downgrade as well. After discussing with D, we’ve decided she will come out ahead eating o, as she prefers, or paying cash in the dining hall if she runs short on the 50 meal plan.
So, unused meals simply default to the for profit food service co. at year end? Too bad they can’t be donated to a local food bank or even to other students with a need. Heck, why don’t they roll over on our student accounts since we paid for them??</p>

<p>Timeflew, they can be donated to a student in need. Meal plans come with 10 guest meals a semester. If your son/daughter has a surplus of meals, so that there’s no way they’ll need their guest meals, then you can donate a meal to a student in need. It’s the donate a meal plan, and I have the link in another thread. You can only donate one guest meal a semester, but you might seek out other classmates, even those who live off campus, or upperclassmen, who would appreciate not having to buy their lunch at the Ferg.</p>

<p>My post above should have read D would come out ahead eating OUT, not eating 0 - not sure what happened there with the typing skills.
Yes, d will donate a guest meal, but I think she’s still going to have many unused in the end. . .</p>