Meal plan

<p>Can any current students tell me which meal plan is the most popular for freshman? If you do not choose the 20-meals-per-week plan, are there enough dining dollars to cover any other food one buys? Also, if you get the 14 meal plan, can you eat any 2 meals per day, or any 14 meals per week? (In other words, could one conceivably eat 3 meals per day for 4 days, 2 meals another day, and no meals in the dining hall for 2 full days?)</p>

<p>Get the 14-meal plan, you will not eat 20 meals per week in the dining hall. And yes it's per week, not per day.
And there are plenty of other options to eat on campus, and there's always the old bowl of cereal in your dorm.</p>

<p>We chose the 20 meal plan, after seeing the cost difference was so small. We want our DS to have the option to have 3 meals if he wants. We have too many friends whose kids went to school, got sick from not eating healthfully and ended up with some serious health issues. I will not worry if I know he has the option to have 3 meals a day, whether he eats them or not. We'll still give him $ for the other places on campus to eat, but
the cost difference is not much for peace of mind.</p>

<p>Same here. 20 meals per week.
I think you should have the option to eat in the dining halls.</p>

<p>The other venues are there to supplement.</p>

<p>With the 20-meals per week plan, there are 50 Cane dollars. </p>

<p>Is that 50 Cane Dollars per week, per calendar month, or per semester?</p>

<p>i think i read that it’s 50 cane dollars per semester
i’m probably going to do the 14 dining hall one with 150 cane dollars
i’ll eat most lunches and dinners in the dining hall probably, but it’d be nice having some money for wendy’s, sbarro, etc.
and i don’t think i need breakfast in the dining hall everyday
i’d prefer a bowl of oatmeal in my room than a buffet every morning
but if i do want breakfast in the dining hall, i can always eat there and then just go to the food court instead of the dining hall for lunch one day that week
there is a little price difference between 14 and 20, and i’m only picking 14 for the extra flexibility
plus, if you don’t use the dining dollars with the 14 meal plan, u can use them in the dining hall or bookstore i’ve heard!</p>

<p>yes - you’re right, it is 50 cane dollars per semester. I went to the website and found the information: [Meal</a> Plans | University of Miami](<a href=“,1770,24363-1;1231-3,00.html#20]Meal”>,1770,24363-1;1231-3,00.html#20)</p>

<p>My daughter has had the 14 meal plan for two years and loved it. She has oatmeal and cereal in her room. She has a mini fridge for milk and a microwave. She says most kids get 14 meals.</p>

<p>The thing about breakfast that you have to remember is that they will usually roll out of bed at the last minute and rush to class. Even if they have the 20 meals they will then just skip breakfast because they do not have time. If you set them up on the 14 meal plan with breakfast provisions (even poptarts!) then there is a much greater chance that they will eat something before they rush off to class. Most of them stay up into the wee hours of the night studying (or partying) and getting up in enough time to make it to breakfast is a challenge.</p>

<p>Dining hall is just as unhealthy as anywhere. Go for the 14-meal plan and use the Dining Dollars for Jamba Juice and Subway and other places.</p>

<p>Do you make the decision each semester? If you sign up for the 20 meal plan for the Fall semester, can you then sign up for the 14 meal plan in Spring?
Just curious…</p>

<p>Yes, you can change it every semester.</p>

<p>I recommend the 14 meal a week plan, but either will do just fine. I am personally on the eight meal a week plan and normally don’t finish all eight meals.</p>

<p>D’s scholarship package includes the 20-meal plan. She’s accustomed a full home-made breakfast every morning. I think she’ll go with that for the 1st semester, and then see if she wants to switch to 14, or Oasis. I imagine the financial office would permit that, as these plans are less expensive. We’re not sure if the price differential would stay in her account, to offset other charges, or what would happen.</p>

<p>My DS has been on the 20 meal plan for 2 years. He usually goes to Hillel on Fridays for a change of pace, but really does eat most of the 20 each week. He’s a 3 meal a day kid…has no problem with the dininghall food. I think it is a matter of choice, also what time the first class of the day is each semester. Not much difference in cost in the 2 plans at all.</p>

<p>As a current freshman at the university, I would highly recommend the 14 meal plan. Everyone that I know is on that plan. I only know one person who had the 20 meal plan, and is switching next semester to the 14. I only use about 10 meals in the dinning hall, trust me, you are going to want to eat as little as you can in there. It’s not bad in the beginning, but you get sick of it after a while.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if we get guest meals of some sort? I know at some other Universities, if you have visitors, you have a limited number of “guest swipes” for when they visit.</p>

<p>Everyone get sick of Chartwells food. I wouldn’t need a meal plan as I’m a commuter but I would say get 14 a week only</p>

<p>I know that the general recommendation is to get the 14-meal plan not the 21, so I’m not looking to hear folks telling us not to get the 21-meal plan.</p>

<p>But we have a question about breakfasts…</p>

<p>Would they include any or all of the following?

  • fresh fruit
  • cottage cheese -
  • yogurt</p>


<p>When you can catch Charwell’s breakfast, it’s quite good.</p>

<p>Omelette station, home fries, scrambled eggs, pancakes or french toast, etc.</p>

<p>And yes, there is fresh fruit and I do believe fresh cottage cheese and yogurt.</p>