We should all get together and have dinner!
<p>I was just thinking... if you met another really cool frosh, but s/he had a diff meal plan than you, then you wouldn't be able to meet up for (dining hall) dinner right? Since Gold/Cardinal is only for EVK and Trojan is only for Parkside.</p>
<p>Is EVK or Parkside closer/a shorter walk from Marks Hall?</p>
<p>The Living at USC booklet says that Cardinal and Trojan can both be used at either EVK or Parkside. It seems as though Gold is only for Parkside. Either way, you could always use your Dining Dollars, I think.</p>
<p>Your housing contract will automatically sign you up for the basic plan (Cardinal or Gold)
Then you can change it to Trojan if you wish.
I'm not sure what plan is assigned for Flour residents since they have the option of any of the 3 plans.</p>