<p>Is there any way I can check how many meal swipes I have left on my BruinCard?</p>
<p>i take a peek at the screen just as i leave the booth</p>
<p>or if you're not quick enough just ask the person who swipes you in. how do you downgrade meal plans??</p>
<p>Eat at one of the take-out restaurants (Bruin Cafe/Crossroads/Rendezvous), and the number of remaining meal swipes will be printed in the lower-right corner of your receipt. :rolleyes:</p>
<p>I currently have four meal swipes left and I am wondering when will be the last time I can use them?</p>
<p>I think they reset Sunday. </p>
<p>I kinda want premier, but I have 19 atm, but I cant downgrade :(. I like being able to swipe multiple times in a food period.</p>
<p>Is that Sunday mourning or later?</p>
<p>i believe it resets late sunday evening... so technically monday morning would be the first meal of the week.</p>