Mech. Engr. advice

<p>Because of S’s first sem. schedule of Phy. 105 and Math 126, he has the option of registering for the second sem. for Statics, Thermodynamics, Calc. III, Phy. 106, Engr. 141, and Engr. 161. For those who have already taken these classes, would this schedule be too heavy? If so, which classes would you recommend to leave for next fall semester?</p>

<p>I know many people who are taking Calc III and Statics at the same time. I’m not sure about the other classes.</p>

<p>My son has a friend who is in mechanical engineering. She pulls a number of all-nighters to keep her perfect GPA. </p>

<p>That said, encourage your son to take a “fun” class, as my son puts it. The brain cells do need time to relax. There are lots of great classes at Alabama. Your son may find a wonderful honors class that interests him. Or take up swimming, flag football, etc. My son has a University Honors class selected for the second semester as his “fun” class. Sure, there will be work, but there is also an element of fun.</p>

<p>What does his advisor say?</p>

<p>She told him that there are some freshmen who will be taking the same combination of classes; however, she did suggest leaving Thermodynamics for the fall semester. After learning of the faculty perspective I was curious to hear a student’s perspective.</p>

<p>We have been encouraging him to seek balance in his college life and will continue to do so. Personality-wise, he is single-minded in his academic focus.</p>

<p>I agree with the adviser. Those are going to be three heavily-physics oriented courses he’s taking, along with a math course. I wouldn’t worry about the ENGR courses, they will be a piece of cake. I would encourage to get a paper copy of the schedule of courses from the registrar’s office and look through the course offerings, especially in departments where he may never get the chance to take another course but look interesting.</p>