<p>I'm currently a grade 12 student studying at a CBSE curriculum (Indian) school in the UAE.
Major- Mechanical engineering (not applying for financial aid).
Please chance me for :
UC Berkeley
Georgia Tech
Uni. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
My specifics are :
CGPA 10/10 in grades 9 and 10.
88.2% in grade 11 (Top 5-ish%)
Hopefully a 90%+ in grade 12 for the mid term report.
SAT Reasoning test : 2190 (in one sitting), which also happens to be my superscore.
M 800
CR 660
W 730
SAT subject test : 2200 without studying (sure to get 2350+ in next attempt)
770 MATH2
730 PHY
700 CHEM
-Student Council Secretary and then President
-3rd place in a prestigious national televised quiz contest along with prizes in many other quizzes.
- 1st place in a national level science exhibition
- 2nd place in a national elocution competition
- 4 MUNs (3 international)
- Winner of a national level report making competition on a pressing environmental issue
-Winner of a photoshop designing competition.
-Lead role in the school's annual production.
-Done some community service and worked with children with special needs.</p>
<p>Would really appreciate some advice and judgement.</p>
<p>Make sure you write really good essays and get really good recommendations (for MIT at least). Check the MIT admissions blogs if you haven’t already. They want to see who you as a person are and how interested you are in MIT. If you’re an international, it’s going to be harder for you. Good luck!</p>
<p>Chance back?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1540169-mit-chances.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1540169-mit-chances.html</a></p>
<p>You have a chance, but these school (Specifically for engineering) are damn near impossible to get into. I had a friend with a 2400 get rejected from MIT. Of course, he lacked ECs.
Stanford: LOW REACH
Georgia Tech: MATCH
Purdue: SAFETY
Uni. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign- LOW MATCH</p>
<p>Thanks for that.
I’m new here so, just for my clarification, can you guys explain what ‘high’ and ‘low’ mean when they are used with match and/or safety? In the sense does ‘High match’ mean a good chance or a bad chance and similarly, does ‘High reach’ mean a good or a bad chance?</p>
<p>Bump! Bump! Any more chances?</p>
<p>I’m glad an “authority” like kdswish thinks Stanford is LOW reach for you…so they should get 10,000 more applicants this year to make acceptance even more impossible than it already is…</p>
<p>gravitas2 - Any say on the rest of the Universities?</p>
<p>Id say you have a good shot.</p>
<p>OP: Looking at your test scores, GPA, ECs and without any essays or recommendations to review…and you are applying as INTERNATIONAL (Indian) from United Arab Emirates…I would recommend applying to Stanford under their REA (restricted early program) since MIT does not allow early applications from INTERNATIONALS…and you can also apply to all your other schools EARLY except CMU (I know UC Berkeley and UCLA do not have early programs) if you wanted to since they are all PUBLIC institutions…I don’t think you want to wait for the REGULAR round to apply to Stanford since all the other TOP students who may have been deferred or rejected or even accepted to other EA/ED schools will be THROWING in their application to Stanford…</p>
<p>…and depending on your results in December…you can apply to MIT and CMU in the regular round…</p>
<p>…by the way, you have a good shot at all the public schools except Berkeley…hope this helps.</p>
<p>gravitas2 - Thanks but why not UCB? Because that is the one university I REALLY want to go to? Mind giving me any tips on how to go about my application for the same? Would really appreciate it! 
Thanks Transfer19933 and LaLaLaItsAllGood.</p>
<p>I think your SAT is also great. Taken only once? You can try to Northwestern as reach and Carnegie Mellon as high match. Just an advise.</p>
<p>Thanks for that. Any take on UC Berkeley?</p>
<p>MIT --reach
UC Berkeley–high match
Georgia Tech–low match
georgia institute–safety
I don’t know much about liberal arts. B I think Swarthmore is a good one.</p>
<p>Thanks. Any more views on Berkeley, people?</p>
<p>I don’t really know much about international admissions, but I will do my best. Your scores are well above average, and even though your GPA is subpar you seem like a good applicant to these schools, even though they are top schools.</p>
<p>MIT: Reach
Stanford: Reach
UC Berkeley: High match
Georgia Tech: Match
CMU: Low reach
UCLA: High match
Purdue: Low match
Uni. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign: Match</p>
<p>Thanks epicdude17
Any views on the REA programme for Stanford?</p>