Med (or large) size social/"party" schools with no Greek life or religious affiliation

Hi there everyone. I’m curious if anyone can suggest medium-med/lrg size (less that 15k undergrads preferred) colleges without any religious affiliation and little to no greek life but with strong student life/party scene. It’s been difficult to find medium-size schools that fit this criteria. The student has 3.85 UW gpa and is class of 2025.

In general, highly social schools often have large greek life participation, but not always (for example UCSB).

Thanks for any suggestions!

I don’t think any exist. You can find small liberal arts colleges with no Greek life that are social, you can find catholic schools with no Greek life that are medium size and social, or you can find medium/large schools with no religious affiliation that have Greek life and are social. You are going to have to drop one of your criteria to find what you want.


I think you need to define what you think is ‘no’ Greek life.

UCSB has 11% and you feel that is acceptable. " Fraternity and sorority life is a very important part of UCSB student culture, with 11% of undergraduates (approximately 2,500 students) belonging to Greek-lettered organizations."

That’s not significantly different than some of the big state schools that have ‘party’ reputations. CU Boulder is 13% Greek life. Ohio State is about 10%.

Many of the schools that are medium are religious affiliated schools or non-flagship public schools. A few of the religious schools do not have Greek Life (Notre Dame, BC) and are considered party schools.


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Rice definitely fits this description, but it’s a tough admit, and has a “nerdier” vibe than most “party schools.”


UVM. Good party scene, less than 10% Greek.
UMaine 15%. UNH 18%.

You will find that while New England Flagships have Greek houses, the only ones that care about the Greek system are those that are actually in it.


Perhaps Case Western? It may lean too nerdy…
If in consideration, make sure to demonstrate interest.

I don’t think many would classify Rice or Case Western as a party school. Kind of the opposite, though both are very good schools.


The social life in the residential colleges at Rice is very active, with many parties and other events. It’s well known as a “wet campus” (even though its signature “Beer Bike” event no longer includes beer as part of the competition). As I said, it’s a nerdier take on party culture, but there’s no shortage of parties.

Case Western does have a Greek system, and while I don’t have firsthand experience with the school, I suspect that whatever party culture exists there is more fraternity/sorority related than not.

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Eckerd college fits your parameters except for med to large. (I wouldn’t call 15K large personally)

What % Greek Life is ok?

Is there any room on religious affiliation? Some religiously affiliated schools don’t feel religious at all. Like U Dayton for example…that would fit all your other criteria.

U Delaware could also work, tho a bit over your size limit at 18K undergrads. If you go up to 20K (will that feel different to your student than 15K?), that would add JMU, Appalachian State, Towson.

I would call Rice and CWRU nerdy, and less social/party types.

IMO there are many schools that have strong student life, but wouldn’t be called a party scene. Many LACs fit this into this group like Vassar, Macalester, Bowdoin, any of the NESCACs really


Here’s a few that might work with moderate levels of Greek life.

Pitt a tad large but in range.





Coastal Carolina

Montana State

W Carolina.

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But these are all much smaller schools than OP wants.

Something’s going to have to give


Boise State, CU Boulder, Oregon?

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Why are you looking for a “party school”?

I’m quite sure you can find partiers at almost every college.


Arizona State University has 8% of men in fraternities and 10% of women in sororities.

However, it is very large, so 8% and 10% of very large is still a large fraternity and sorority scene in absolute numbers, even though 92% of men and 90% of women are not in them.

I searched for top party schools and filtered for <10% Greek participation and >4000 to <15,000 undergraduate students.

Ohio University
University at Albany SUNY
University of Wisconsin LaCrosse
University of Tampa
Pittsburg State University
Bowling Green State University
Cal State Chico
SUNY Cortland
Western Michigan University
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Coastal Carolina
SUNY Oneonta
SUNY Oswego
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
University of South Dakota
Fort Hays State University
Bloomsburg University
University of North Dakota
SUNY Buffalo State University
Rowan University
Western Illinois University
Rice University
North Dakota State University
University of New Hampshire
Central Michigan University
University of Maine
University of Wisconsin Whitewater
Minnesota State University, Mankato

I don’t know a lot of these colleges, but some of the ones I do, are party schools because there is nothing else to do around. Definitely something to look into when evaluating them overall.


Rice owls know how to party. There are several planned large events each year, and many small-scale parties almost every weekend. Google “baker 13” and “beer bike” for videos. They have fun together, with the focus more on “together”.


I would suggest looking at Ohio University. It’s definitely a college town with an active social scene uptown on Court St… While it has Greek life it doesn’t in anyway define the school or the campus and I would say most of the fun on campus has little to do with whether you’re in a fraternity or sorority. It’s mid sized (about 16k undergrad) very attractive and on the whole students love the school. It’s known for it’s Halloween party, and it’s fests. It will also cover most of what students are looking for in terms of majors and academics.


2 out of 3 ain’t bad…

University of Miami? Pitt and WVU? Syracuse, Tulane, Delaware? Ohio U was mentioned earlier.

S21 is at FSU. Not Greek and has fun. More than I care to know.