Hello world.
Thanks for reading my post here. I’m extremely worried and cannot sleep anymore due to this problem. Legit having nightmares and decision making issues.
I am a junior pre-med student with an overall GPA 3.7 and sGPA 3.45. I will be applying using the 2018 AMCAS. I know already not so good. I am hoping to graduate with honors in my college, however I have Physics 1&2 left until I’ve completed all my pre-reqs for medical school. I am extremely worried that my GPA will be problematic for getting interviews and just reaching secondary interviews for medical school. I would like to get into an allopathic med school rather than osteopathic med school.
My extracurriculars are not amazing either. I am really shy and kind awkward. I am super stressed out about all this. Should I take a post-bacc? Should I go into a Masters Degree first? I could hold off taking physics and graduate summa cum laude then enter a post-bacc and take those classes or a masters in public health and take those courses? But, if I can get into medical school with my current stats, I’d prefer it. Or should I just give up altogether and go PA school? I CANNOT go back home and live there for a year off. I will die.
I am so all over the place I can’t breathe guys. Help. Please.
Do you think I will stand a chance for medical school admissions considering my GPA will potentially decrease due to Physics 1&2 since I suck at physics??? Also, my MCAT will probably be average. PLEASE REPLY. Any comments regarding this issue is greatly appreciated. I only have 2 semesters left guys, this shit is getting real.