med school!

<p>Hi, i was hoping to get some help from this forum regarding financing a medical education. Medical school is something that my family cannot afford, and unfortunately i do not want to go into debt by taking many loans as my medical school is VERY expensive. Basically, i want to know about these reimbursement programs that pay for your tuition, and you in turn, work for them upon graduation. Does anyone know about these programs? if so, can you tell me their names and information stating how i can become a part of thi program?</p>

<p>Army ROTC and Navy ROTC is all I know about...they'll pay for your medical school education and require you to work for them for awhile, but you'll be an officer and won't have to deal w/ most of the BS non-officers have to deal with. It sounds like a good deal...I've been thinking about doing that myself.</p>

<p>There's also a residency thing in which the militrary will give you an approximately $30,000 stipend/year during your residency if you agree to work for a certain number of years afterwards. This would be on top of a resident's stipend which is generally also around 30-40,000/year. So you could use the military stipend to pay off med school loans. The good thing about this program is you'll already have chosen your specialty, so if you're, say, a dermatologist being paid by the army you probably have a lesser chance of being sent to Iraq.</p>

<p>I wouldn't really worry so much about debt though. Job security for docs is pretty good, and you'll be able to pay off any debt relatively quickly!</p>