<p>I just discovered that I have been disqualfied by the DoDMERB for both asthma and ammenhoria. I was expecting the asthma disqualification, but not the other. West Point plans to "push for a waiver" but I am concerned whether the waiver will be harder now that it is not just asthma. Does anyone have experience with waivers for these conditions and know if having both will complicate matters?</p>
<p>you need to post on this site: [DoDMERB</a> - United States of America Service Academy Forums](<a href=“http://www.serviceacademyforums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=20]DoDMERB”>http://www.serviceacademyforums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=20)</p>
<p>You’ll probably get a sheet in the mail from USMA asking for your personal doctor to look over your medical history and give their opinion.
When I applied, and took my dodmerb, dodmerb initially didn’t pass me cuz of my allergies to pollen/dust/furry critters etc., so I just had my doctor write on the sheet that it was really really, super mild and disregardable really and she signed it and I sent it back to dodmerb.
A week later, I was medically qualfied for USMA.</p>
<p>These are pretty helpful resources as well:
[On</a> Medical Waivers II](<a href=“http://www.west-point.org/academy/malo-wa/medical/Waiver2.html]On”>On Medical Waivers II)
[On</a> Medical Waivers III](<a href=“http://www.west-point.org/academy/malo-wa/medical/Waiver3.html]On”>On Medical Waivers III)</p>
<p>peanutbutter: Make sure you follow any and all instructions promptly.</p>
<p>I’m a little confused - I thought you had an appointment already? </p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>yeah contingent on my medical. I have been in contact with admsissions a lot, so they told me I had it and they would work on medical waivers if necessary.</p>
<p>and thanks for the links guys! they made me feel hopeful:)</p>
<p>OK - so you have an LOA not an appointment?</p>
<p>I was told what I got was not an LOA, but similar. I’m honestly not sure what to call it. My application was processed really fast, because I am a strong applicant…except for medical stuff:( I have been getting letters telling me to send in forms and stuff, except that I can’t access the forms yet because of the medical. It all seems very backwards and frustrating.</p>