Medical Leave Question...

<p>Hello, </p>

<p>I'm a student at Penn. I'll make this as short as possible- I'm thinking that I'm going to have to take a medical leave of absence for the semester. This would not be my first medical leave. I've been really sick for a few months now and it's not abating so after I speak with my doctor, I'm going to pursue this leave. </p>

<p>However, I am worried that because I've taken a leave before, the school may not approve this leave or may end up 'kicking me out' of school if I take a leave... and I cannot lose my place at Penn.</p>

<p>Anyone have any experience with this? Does anyone think Penn would terminate a student's enrollment if they had to take a semester for medical reasons?</p>

<p>Any advice appreciated.</p>

<p>I am actually a college student myself (despite my “mom” status) and at my college, we can automatically take up to a year leave of absence. So if Penn has a similar policy, and you’ve only taken a semester off, you’d be okay. I would check with the registrar or look on the registrar section of the website.</p>

<p>Bump… anyone here know about Penn’s policies, specifically?</p>

<p>Thank you</p>

<p>i highly doubt you would be kicked out; i know of a friend who was diagnosed with leukemia right before midterms one semester, and had to go right into treatment; though he lost a year, he could have come back to penn (though he chose not to do so) if he wanted</p>

<p>The only specific rule I know of is the “sunset” rule, which says you must complete all degree req’s in 8 years: [Penn</a> Engineering > Undergraduate Student Handbook > Leave of Absence](<a href=“Student Handbook”>Student Handbook)</p>

<p>Also, as someone who’s already taken medical leave, you probably know way more about this than any of us.</p>

<p>I’'d advise you to speak with an advisor in your school. I think each school (at least College and SEAS) has advisors that specially concentrate on leaves of absence.</p>