Medical scholars apps are out!

<p>YAY!!! :)
Just checked my email!!</p>


<p>I saw this in my e-mail and i accidentally deleted it… and when I moved it back to my Inbox it disappeared. O_O</p>

<p>wth is it i got one too</p>

<p>ahh just kidding i found it. using the handy dandy search option. lol looks like too much work…</p>

<p>It’s that 8-year medical scholars program…they explain it in the “Medscholar Application Instructions”
it’s that one where they accept 12 students…
here’s the link: [UCSD</a> Medical Scholars Program - Home](<a href=“]UCSD”>
Here is a portion of the instructions:
"The Medical Scholars Program is a combined bachelor’s/M.D. degree program at the University of California, San Diego. The program was established to provide a unique opportunity to unusually talented high school seniors considering a career in medicine. </p>

<p>Students accepted to an undergraduate degree program at UCSD are also eligible to apply concurrently to the UCSD School of Medicine. A few select undergraduate students will receive provisional acceptance into the UCSD School of Medicine, and will begin their medical studies following receipt of their undergraduate degree.</p>

<p>During the undergraduate years, medical scholars will be integrated into the medical school environment, with the opportunity to attend special lectures and classes, and participate in research with medical school faculty. </p>

<p>Students selected for this program will not be required to take the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) unless they plan to apply to other medical schools.</p>

<p>The program admits a maximum of twelve students annually. </p>

<p>Application to this program is by invitation only. </p>

<p>All high school seniors admitted to UCSD as freshman undergraduates, and who meet the preliminary eligibility requirements of the medical scholars program, are invited to apply. Declared undergraduate major is not considered a factor. "</p>

<p>oh sweet. so this is a selective invitation?</p>

<p>yep it is selective i think you gotta have at least 2250 SAT and 34 ACT
and um 4.0 UC gpa weighted? and be a senior in hs in cali</p>

<p>oh ok. so if you get it does it mean you have a good chance at getting into ucsd? i dont want to do this prog, but i would like go to sd.</p>

<p>er…i don’t know :confused: i guess it means you have a good chance?
all i do know is that if you received that scholars invitation thingie for uh mar 6 i believe then that means you got in 'cause the first thing they tell you is that you got in…</p>

<p>hmm it says i need a bio/phys/chem rec. i wonder why i cant use a math rec? my math rec would be infinitely better than my phys rec D:</p>

<p>don’t hold me to this, but if you got invited to the med scholar program you are pretty much accepted into ucsd and you have a good chance at being a regents scholar ($2,000/yr + various other privileges)</p>

<p>Pearapple: I’d hope so too, but I got the Medical Scholar’s invite and didn’t get the Scholar’s Day one, so I’m assuming it doesn’t say anything about your admissions status at UCSD.</p>

<p>You got the more precious invite.</p>

<p>Correct me if I’m wrong, but the Med Scholar’s invite was sent to everyone who had over a certain ACT or SAT. At least, that’s what I remember it saying.</p>

<p>I’m not sure what that has to do with admissions.</p>

Also 4.0 GPA (UCW I presume)</p>

<p>This is what it says in the email


<p>I think I read stats somewhere that said that 3000 (or some equally large or larger number) of students are invited to the Med Scholars Program. About 500 apply, and out of those, 24 are chosen for interviews. 12 are picked out of the 24 for the actual acceptances.
I got it too, but I don’t even know if I should apply. 12/500 makes for a 2% prospective chance rate.</p>

<p>…bumppp (:</p>

<p>2 % is far better than zero. You can compete now or compete later with your GPA + MCATs.</p>