Medical School Applicants

<p>I'm currently considering a possible transfer to UW as a sophomore pre-med student. I was wondering if anyone had information to how many UW students applied to med school/how many got in, and any other helpful information. Thanks</p>

<p>No figures but the UW Med School and Wisconsin Med schools are very accepting of UW grads. But you have to become a state resident. The rest tend to go to Uminn.</p>

<p>Physician here. You will have a better chance at getting into medical school by attending UW-Madison than other schools instate given the same grades and test scores- ie more weight is given to some schools than others. Make the transfer because you want to challenge yourself more and learn more. No matter which school in the US you attend you will not be guaranteed a medical school admission, any given year more than half of the applicants won’t get in. You can also get into medical school by attending many undergrad schools. Plan on a major you like and have alternate plans regardless of where you finish college. It really doesn’t matter if x% of students from school y get in- you are either in or not. Read premedical guidelines (it is an intention, not a major) for required courses and other actions to make you stand out as an applicant. You may have opportunities in your current college town that won’t be available to you in Madison, if so make use of them. </p>

<p>You may want to transfer to UW-Madison to be in a different college atmosphere that you feel is more conducive to preparing for medical school. That is a reason to transfer, not the percentages getting in. You will also want to consider The Medical College of Wisconsin, being private residency status matters much less there. Your chances for attending medical school tend to be best in your home state since even private schools are influenced by state aids in the percentage of in/out of state students they accept.</p>