<p>I do not have any affiliation with this company, but a friend introduced me to it and it has been the most helpful tool that I've found for memorizing vocabulary. </p>
<p>Flash cards are useless for me. I can kind of memorize a word with a definition, but doing that doesn't help me actually understand what the word means. I just parrot it back and when it comes to test day, I dont know how to actually use the word. This program includes the definition, word components (prefixes, suffixes, roots etc), little quizzes, video clips of popular movies and TV where the particular word is used in context, memory tricks to learn how to remember the word, word trees and so much more. It's truly an interactive and fun experience. It keeps track of the words you've learned, the words you know well, the words you goof up on, and it quizzes you intermittently on the words that you need the most help on. I can't really think of a better program!</p>
<p>So anyway, check out Membean. It is something you have to pay for, but they offer 3 free days, so use them! I got my 3 day trial and bought 3 months worth after fiddling around with it for only about an hour. </p>
<p>Remember</a> Vocabulary for the GRE/SAT/ACT tests | Membean</p>
<p>/End rant--happy studying!</p>