<p>Is anyone familiar with Memorial University in Newfoundland? What is it like there? Quality school? Social life?</p>
<p>Even as a Canadian, I don't know much about the school.
It's in Newfoundland which is isolated but apparently a lot of fun. I always considered it more of a liberal arts university like St. FX than a research powerhouse.
I suggest you contact admissions and ask for an email of a student there.</p>
<p>'s cold up there, isn't it?</p>
<p>Cold on "The Rock"?
I'd say yes!</p>
<p>It;s also a bit more windy. That said, it's only -2C there today, which isn't that cold at all.</p>
<p>not at all...try -28 with windchill of about -40. Now that is cold.</p>
<p>MUN is one of the top Naval Architecture schools in the world. Its specialized tow tanks are unrivaled, and include an ice tank. It hosted the North American underwater robotics champianships this years the top US high school ship/rov/uav students from the states just got a good look at it. </p>
<p>But if only it was not so hard to get too. It hard to justify a pre-college visit when the airfare alone will be $3200.</p>
<p>i would suggest you try mount allison and St. francis Xavier. both offer top notch education and undergraduate experience. they really refute the idea that canadian schools are commuter based and have very little school spirit. these schools are like vasser and williams etc. look them up</p>
<p>Speaking of hidden jewels, Here’s perhaps the best North American university you never hear of on CollegeConfidential: [Google</a> Image Result for <a href=“http://www.dal.ca/images/logo_print.gif[/url]”>http://www.dal.ca/images/logo_print.gif](<a href=“http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.dal.ca/images/logo_print.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.dal.ca/services/&usg=__nH6H-_IYhzLUyrfQtrgrk1Jihno=&h=444&w=1357&sz=46&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=CLStLJLa5NzSnM:&tbnh=49&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3DDalhousie%2Buniversity%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4HPIA_en___US247%26sa%3DN]Google”>http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.dal.ca/images/logo_print.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.dal.ca/services/&usg=__nH6H-_IYhzLUyrfQtrgrk1Jihno=&h=444&w=1357&sz=46&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=CLStLJLa5NzSnM:&tbnh=49&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3DDalhousie%2Buniversity%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4HPIA_en___US247%26sa%3DN)</a></p>
<p>I just about fainted when I saw this thread title. My dad got his doctorate there, but it’s VERY obscure and I don’t know anyone outside NF (oh, NL now) who’s heard of Memorial. But he’s not a very dedicated alum, so I have no idea about Memorial’s rep. Newfoundland is aesthetically gorgeous and isolated with brutal winters, though much of it comes from windchill. St. John’s, the provincial capital and where Memorial is located, is a good-sized city of nearly 200,000. Not too cold as far as NF and Canada go, but be prepared to bundle up. I lived there for five years but after more than that length of time in DE, I don’t think I could handle the winters. St. John’s started out as a fishing town before the cod collapse; the seafood is AMAZING. I still crave fresh-caught Newfoundland cod. I believe oil deposits were recently discovered off the coast, so the economy is reviving.</p>
<p>If you visit–which will be an expensive proposition unless you live within ferry distance–do take the time to visit Signal Hill sometime. The sunrise/sunset over an unobstructed ocean horizon is not something to miss.</p>
<p>as a canadian, i can honestly say i have never heard of memorial university. But yes,tour guide, dalhousie is indeed a hidden jewel and one that is fairly respected here in toronto.</p>
<p>Memorial sounds pretty cool. Newfoundland is beautiful.</p>
<p>How’s the enginering program there at Memorial? I heard they have got strong coop programs. seems like a great place to study since its quiet and isolated. Not really sure about the career prospect after graduateion. ANyone any ideas? Thank you very much</p>