mendoza business school

<p>I applied to Notre Dame and I want to study at the business school whenever it is that we choose our major...... anyways here are my stats, please be honest I'll accept a straight "no" !! thanks!!!</p>

<p>Unweighted 3.65
Weighted 3.85
school does not give rank, very competitive</p>

<p>Sat 1320 (740M 580V) (eh...)
670 sat ii chem
660 sat ii ic
650 sat ii writing
excellent counselor rec, good teacher rec
pretty good essay (talk about business experience)</p>

<p>ec (only major ones)
columbia summer program 2 years
national youth leadership forum
sport captain
research class 4 years

<p>awards (major ones only)
poem published/invited to FL to read poem and receive award
1st place spanish competitions (3)
national spanish honor society
record placed on national honor roll
1st place music competitions</p>

<p>Eh, seems like a slim chance but everyone has told me I have a really strong essay so that should SAT verbal score will probably hurt me the most? Opinions welcome, thanks!!!</p>


<p>B u M p .><.<><><<...</p>

<p>is your essay about finding a cure for cancer..all of them? lol jp</p>