<p>My son got an ISP invite and applied but he really wants MENU since his major is math. Has anyone gotten a MENU invitation yet?</p>
<p>If it works the way it did last year, I don’t think there will be a formal invitation. If memory serves, S knew he met the criteria but didn’t see the “invitation” until he was registering at Wildcat Welcome.</p>
<p>My daughter received a MENU invitation by email during the summer; it was after she had had her AP scores sent to NU for credit.</p>
<p>Thanks for the replies. Good to know so that he isn’t looking for it and wondering. He is all done with math, finished his last AP in Junior year, but hasn’t been admitted to NU (yet…we hope) so we will just wait and cross our fingers for March and then summer.</p>
<p>Invitations to MENU are based solely on AP test scores. You automatically qualify by either scoring a 5 on the AP Calculus AB exam or a 4 (minimum) on the AP Calculus BC exam.</p>
<p>Here’s some further info: [MENU</a> Program: Math Department, WCAS, Northwestern University](<a href=“http://www.math.northwestern.edu/undergraduate/menu/index.html]MENU”>Mathematical Experience for Northwestern Undergraduates (MENU): Department of Mathematics - Northwestern University)</p>
<p>Hope this helps!</p>
<p>I’d be very cautious about taking MENU. I mean, if he is really, really really (and I mean REALLY) invested and in love with math, then go for it.
I took calc ab and got a five on the ap, and was invited to take MENU. I ended up not taking it, and I’m so glad. It’s VERY hard, as in, mostly people at the graduate level in other universities would be doing the sort of stuff they do in MENU. Be very careful about choosing MENU, and be sure you’re invested in it.
That said, the people who are in MENU either love it or hate it, and if you’re one of the lucky few that is incredibly talented with math, I’d say go for it!</p>
<p>Hi Michelle</p>
<p>Thanks for that insight. He does love math and it comes easily to him. It will be his major and he wants to get his doctorate in math, so it sounds ideal. On the other hand interests often change in college. Additionally, I wonder if it would be exciting for him or overwhelming to do something so intense straight out of the gate?</p>
<p>Sometimes I think programs that start sophomore year make good sense as kids get a chance to settle into college and explore a bit before committing to something so rigorous.</p>
<p>Thanks again for the comments. I will pass them along.</p>
<p>My son is in MENU and loves it - since it is a course that requires fall, winter and spring quarters if it is not something he is enjoying he can stop after fall. My son is in the Beinen School of Music as well as McCormick - so a love of math is the key hard work but great for this who love the subject!</p>
<p>as a current NU student who knows kids both in MENU and in advanced math classes nor part of MENU all I have to say is lol.</p>