<p>Asian female, NJ
born in Beijing, US citizen
average suburban high school</p>
GPA: 3.98-3.99ish (school uses weighted 100-pt scale. I tried converting my grades to an unweighted 4.0-scale using collegeboard's scale. One A-)
Rank: 1/411
SAT (superscore): 2330 (800cr, 800m, 730wr - 10 essay)
SAT II: 790 Math II, 700 Lit
ACT: 33 (34e, 34m, 33r, 31s, 8 essay ;_; won't send unless school asks)
AP: Calc BC (5)
IB: Diploma Candidate (most rigorous)
Senior Year Schedule: English HL, History of the Americas HL, Physics SL, AP Statistics, Math SL, Psychology HL, German SL, Independent Study in Art (will be taking AP Art Studio), Gym (hah!)</p>
<p>Awards/Honors, smaller awards:
Scholastic Writing-Region-At-Large Gold Key (Poetry)
1st Place Poetry Slam (school, 3rd Place sophomore year)
published in Teen Ink
Semifinalist/Finalist in Forensics x3 (Prose)
ABRSM Gr 8 Certification with Merit
1st Place at multiple Battle of the Bands (local, 2nd/3rd several times too)
High Distinction in Visual Arts at TeenArts (local)
NJ Scholars Nominee
Summa Award (GPA above 90 for the year -___-)
crapload of honor societies</p>
LMTI<a href="national%20service%20program%20that%20promotes%20leadership%20and%20drug-free%20lifestyles,%20focuses%20on%20personal%20choices%20and%20positivity,%20broken%20up%20into%20state%20and%20local%20chapters">/b</a> - President, Secretary, Youth Advisory Council at State level, 9-12
**Lit Stuff:
Lit Society<a href="creative%20writing%20workshop%20group,%20focused%20on%20slam%20poetry">/u</a> - Vice President, 9-12
- I've been writing on my own for about 7 years now. Each year, I record a spoken word album that collects my poetry from the year (summers 2010 and 2011).
Forensics<a href="our%20team%20has%20two%20people%20who%20consistently%20compete%20;_;%20which%20has%20been%20difficult%20for%20us">/u</a> - President, Vice President, Secretary, 9-12
Student Production<a href="student%20written%20and%20directed%20play/musical">/u</a> - Actor, Pianist twice, Senior Director (which ties into the writing stuff), 9-12
Fall Play - 11, likely 12 (we have traditionally small 11ish people casts)
Quill<a href="newspaper">/u</a> - Editor (not in chief ;<em>;), 9-12
Music Stuff:
two2one<a href="alternative%20rock%20band">/u</a> - keyboard/synthesizer, 8-11
Piano - private lessons 1-10, I still play on my own ;</em>;
Jazz Band - piano, 9-10
Art Stuff:
I've been taking art through school (10-12), but none of my teachers focus on technique, so I will be taking private art lessons next year.
Independent Study: origami design, portfolio - origami with 2D illustration?
EE: origami technology and origami algorithms as practical tools
CAS Project: Random Act of Origami, coordinating with guidance to leave kind messages in origami for students who are struggling
(This is more of an interest that's still developing.)</p>
<p>Other Stuff I probably won't even mention:
Interact (9-11) - didn't do much
Student Government (11) - General Assembly</p>
2009: China, TI Summer Leadership Conference
2010: SAT camp ;_;, TI Summer Leadership Conference
2011: German school (4-week), Youth Advisory Council for TI</p>
<p>[Oh man. Sorry this was longer than I meant it to be. I also plan on doing YoungArts and the Urban Slam next year. For my essays, I'm trying to think of a way to convey my passion for literature, especially slam poetry/creative writing, while also showing my curiosity in other areas and my growth through TI. Any suggestions?
Please don't give me the sarcastic "Well, what do YOU think?" cause top students at my school the past couple of years haven't gotten into top colleges...I'm not sure what they're missing, but it's possible I could be missing the same thing.]</p>
<p>Chance me for (<em>highest interest):
Johns Hopkins
(Rutgers and/or TCNJ will be my safeties)</p>