<p>do any current, accepted, or applied students know anything about the merit scholarships available at Marquette? How many are available?</p>
<p>tony – I answered this for you on the Marquette thread on Christian colleges. I also posted some links on the “mid-January?” thread on this forum.</p>
<p>Bumping up this thread</p>
<p>Even after all this time researching Marquette, I still find little nuances on the website that spark more questions.</p>
<p>In researching scholarship options, it was mentioned something to the effect that if you get scholarships outside of your Marquette scholarship that would exceed the amount of your tuition, your Marquette scholarship would be reduced.</p>
<p>In short, I guess they’re saying that the maximum amount of scholarship you can get is for tuition only, and you have to cover room and board out of pocket. This is of course assuming you do not qualify for need based aid.</p>
<p>Am I correct about this?</p>
<p>So no matter how many scholarships you get, through Marquette merit, corporations, National Merit, competitions, you will have to pay room and board?</p>
<p>In that case, since room and board is required for first two years, with the cost of the minimum meal plan, what would that average cost be?</p>
<p>Also, if you can get a campus job, not work study, but just a regular job, will they reduce your scholarship amount? </p>
<p>Thanks for any info, and please straighten me out if I’m misunderstanding any of this.</p>