Merit aid at Skidmore, Sarah Lawrence, Connecticut College etc.

<p>and more data</p>

School… non-need kids with awards %;
$ average non-need award
(# non-need awards / # non-need freshman)</p>

<p>American…36%; $16,086 (367/1027)
Brandeis…25%; $17,940 (128/513)
Brown…0%; $0 (0 / 863)
Bucknell…6%; $11,126 (30 / 465)
Carleton…12%; $2,990 (33/265)
Case Western…71%; $20,329 (189 / 265)
Colo College…7%; $10,961 (26/391)
Dartmouth…1%; $450 (4 / 562)
Davidson…21%;$19,079 (57/269)
Delaware…28%; $6,073 (654 / 2342)
Dickinson…9%; $10,571 (31/331)
Duke…3%; $36,009 (30/1025)
Elon…34%; $5,670 (282/835)
F&M…39%; $12,844 (129/335)
Fairfield…11%; $18,232 (43/401)
Fordham…47%; $9,259 (489/1032)
Furman…50%;$16,230 (154/307)
Gettysburg…30%; $10,665 (103/346)
Goucher…40%; $13,951 (117/294)
Grinnell …46%; $9,269 (50/108)
GW…27%; $22,632 (441/1624)
JHU…2%; $27,471 (14/621)
Lafayette…24%; $12,894 (56/229)
Manhannan…48%; $8,443 (226/466)
Maryland…30%; $5,441 (695 / 2298)
Muhlenberg…41%; $10,585 (171/418)
Northeastern…72%; $13,970 (876/1224)
NYU…9%; $7,250 (327/3456)
Pitt…18%; $14,678 (279/1583)
Princeton…0%; $0 (0/559)
Rhodes…75%; $13,060 (200 / 265)
Rice…35%; $15,912 (176/508)
Richmond…11%; $29,539 (61/571)
Rochester…73%; $9,620 (388/529)
RPI…94%; $14,085 (436 / 464)
Sewanee-U of S …53%; $13,735 (117/220)
Smith…13%; $8,973 (35 / 272)
St. Joseph…28%; $9,885 (13/46)
Syracuse…27%; $9,440 (390/688)
TCNJ…47%; $6,386 (320/688)
UCONN…22%; $6,866 (322/1448)
UNC-CH…31%;$4,646 (820/2634)
Ursinus…36%; $12,381 (60/169)
USC…30%; $13,757 (706/2381)

  • UVA …15%; $7,403 (411/2658)
    Vandy…23%; $12,879 (223/982)
    Villanova…10%; $8,972 (96/991)
    Wake…8%; $12,427 (66/815)
    Washington Co…49%; $12,211 (94/190)
    WashU…25%; $9,460 (242/969)
    William & Mary…3%; $7,396 (32/993)
    WPI…87%; $12,288 (158 / 181)</p>

<p>I would suggest checking the numbers above ^^. While I am sure they are accurate, many are at least a year or 2 old and many schools have changed their policies or scholarship amounts. Of the 7 schools that D applied to 4 years ago, 3 have had changes in their policies regarding merit aid (NYU, Brandeis and American.)</p>

<p>I wasn’t sure if I should maybe put this in one of the general Merit Aid threads, but your post has Wooster and Denison in it so I’m putting this here. </p>

<p>I spent a lot of time looking at merit aid a few years ago for a relative and am now starting up again for a young friend. Denison and Wooster were on my list last time and are still there. Denison DOES give good merit aid but you have to factor in whether the student wants to travel abroad. Denison does not allow its merit scholarships to be used on any programs other than its own, and it only has two programs–a semester in Germany and a semester somewhere in the United States. (So generally, students are using other school’s study abroad programs.) To compensate, Denison doesn’t charge its tuition/room and board for one semester away, but then you’d have to pay the program you were attending. It might work out for some students but it’s something to be considered, especially for students who want to study for a year. </p>

<p>Another issue is the criteria needed to KEEP a scholarship-- a few years ago, Wooster had the most flexible one I found; it was something like “making satisfactory progress.” I just looked again and now it says “good academic standing.” No specific GPA. And just to compare, Wooster scholarships can be used to study abroad. </p>

<p>I hope I’m not repeating things you already know.</p>