<p>D received her acceptance letter week before Xmas (w/of 12/14) but no merit aid was mentioned. The QU acceptance packet included a statement that merit aid would have either been included with the acceptance letter (didn't happen for us), or in a separate letter shortly thereafter.</p>
<p>Anyone know if QU's offices may have already been closed for the Xmas week and as such, "shortly thereafter" would (hopefully) mean early January 2010 notification of any merit aid?</p>
<p>Did anyone else get notification of acceptance in this same time period, with merit aid?</p>
<p>Curious cause my D's stats are comparable to other posters on this forum whom did get some aid and other posts that label QU as a rather generous school in that regard ...</p>
<p>D was accepted as well. No merit with acceptance letter. We called the admissions office the week before Christmas. A young lady told us that merit information was usually sent out “about 2 weeks” after acceptance letter. We haven’t received anything yet either.</p>
<p>I was accepted on December 26, and still have not heard back about merit aid either.</p>
<p>I got accepted to Quinnipiac towards the beginning of December but I don’t remember the exact date. I believe it was the week of the 15th. I received my scholarship just this past week. If you want to know my stats, I’d be happy to share. :)</p>
<p>Yes please kaylala. Stats and amount received would be appreciated. Thanks.</p>
<p>No problem, Sandman. I hope this helps! I am an out of state student with a 5.1/6.0 gpa, which is an A-/B+. I am in the top 15% of my class. I took the SAT’s two times, and my highest composite score was a 2110 (640 math, 670 reading, 800 writing). My extracurriculars include dance team, volunteer work, and a foreign language club. I received the Dean’s Scholarship for $14,000 per year.</p>
Thanks for sharing your stats! Is there anyone else with aid who would like to share?
(My s still waiting to be accepted)</p>
<p>Thanks kaylala. Our D’s stats are very similar (600/700/800), top 5% rank, couple varsity sports. We’ve been guessing that she’d receive about what you did. We shall see soon.
Thanks again.</p>
<p>I was accepted on December 26 and still have not heard about merit aid. Does this mean I probbably did not recieve any?</p>
<p>Our D applied on 10/31 and just received her acceptance letter today. No merit aid mentioned though, even though according the QU’s web site, her stats suggest a Dean’s scholarship of 10-14k. Hoping, like kaylala and others, that merit aid comes in a couple weeks.</p>
<p>S was accepted saturday. Applied late Oct. Received merit aid award today.</p>
<p>D received merit award yesterday (14k Dean’s). She’s pretty excited, as this is probably her first choice school.</p>