Merit Aid - VT

Were merit awards included in the admission packet?

We just got our letter today in the mail and nothing about awards was included. My son also doesn’t have a link to financial aid on the portal like others have said they have. I’m not sure if this means he will not get any merit award or if that is still forthcoming. My son has several acceptances and NONE of the merit awards came with the acceptance letter so I’m not sure how VT does it. Guess we’ll see.

My son finally got his packet today and it did have his merit award in the packet.

It might depend on which college they were accepted into.

My son was awarded a small merit scholarship from his college (Natural Resources and Environment) but there was no mention of this in the financial aid section of his packet.

@STEM2017 any award is nice not matter how small. VT unfortunately is the only school that did not give my son a merit award.

@collsander Agreed, we were very happy that he got some money. We’re well aware that VT is not known for merit-based aid. But I will say that they are generous with need-based aid.

When S17 applied, lots of kids got Provost (renewable) and Freshman (non-renewable) scholarships. Not sure what happened to those.

@STEM2017 we know a few who got the provost scholarship but they seemed to have been given on a “need” based merit scale. The cost of tuition is out of control. Living in the northeast is so expensive it. I am sure on paper our income looks great but that doesn’t mean we can come even close to affording the full cost price tag. If my son chooses VT he will graduate with a ton of debt far above what theyclaim is the average.

Same. Also, the only school that didn’t enroll my D in honors. I guess I just don’t understand the process.

@smillers same here. Only school without the honors college invite.