Merit Aid

<p>Has anyone received information about scholarships/merit aid/Chancellor's weekend?</p>

<p>Nope. Nothing. Anyone else?</p>

<p>I wish… I heard that we should be getting information in January though. So hopefully we won’t be waiting too much longer!</p>

<p>It used to follow your acceptance by a week or so. I understand things have changed and TCU sends merit awards much later now.</p>

<p>Scholarship arrived in the mail today - big white envelope!</p>

<p>Has anyone out of state (Colorado) received their merit aid yet?</p>

<p>Haven’t seen anything yet. (CT)</p>

<p>Nothing yet here in San Francisco area.</p>

<p>Does the Chancellor’s invite come in the same letter that the Dean’s Scholarship is offered?
or does it come separate?</p>

<p>My S received Dean’s via snail mail this weekend. Was hoping for invite for Chancellors. Same as newmom, we are wondering if it comes separate or if getting the Dean’s scholarship means he is out of the running for Chancellors.</p>

<p>So confused, I got no merit aid from TCU but 56,000 dollars total from Baylor.</p>

<p>My S got the Dean’s Scholarship this past week and emailed his admissions person to ask about the Chancellor’s invitations. He was told that they have all been extended at this point. It was disappointing, but at least it’s nice to know for sure.</p>

<p>guess we missed out too :0(</p>

<p>anybody here invited? would love to know stats if possible.</p>

<p>hoping for Honors invite…but would assume that Dean’s comes with the Honors invite?</p>

<p>SF Bay Area received today, Founders Scholarship, $6,000 per year. Not a huge amount, but because TCU is a bit less costly than many schools we are considering, it is pretty good. I guess coming from California, lots of things seem somewhat “inexpensive” to us.</p>

<p>wish i knew the stats. congrats to all invited.
my student will graduate 1/146. 34 ACT. student council executive officer. several other ECs with officer as senior. dance team. about 100 hours of volunteer service. has been invited to other schools for interview/process.
got scholarship so really considering.
again, congrats to all invited.</p>

<p>My son stats briefly: private school, no class ranking, 3.5 GPA unweighted but takes 7 very difficult classes all 4 years, 25 ACT, 1980 SAT (with 760 CR), Eagle Scout, BLack Belt First Degree, LOTS of leadership with a lot of continuity outside of school, started political club at school junior year.</p>

<p>I just got my scholarship letter this weekend…but it didn’t come with an honors invite. Have they sent out honors invites yet?</p>

<p>I got invited for Chancellors. The weekend is actually next Saturday. It came in a packet in early January I believe which was after my acceptance letter. </p>