Merit Awards

Have merit awards been sent out?

Hi @nkrypel , not yet! The Financial Aid Office is working on them this week. Hopefully they should be going into the mail very soon - I’d guess the end of this week or some time next week!

My son received his today. However, the packet didn’t specify which were renewable (except one that was listed in the accompanying booklet) or which (if any) were solely merit-based, so we still can’t make any decisions about the four-year feasibility of attending Champlain. I tried to get through to the FA office, but it was too busy (I imagine with calls from students and parents with similar questions). I was disappointed not to receive the information necessary to make a decision. The other schools he’s applied to have been much clearer about aid.

Oops, apparently it’s too late to edit my post to say that I see that the scholarships in question are renewable, so I apologize for not realizing I had that information. :slight_smile: I still wish I knew about the merit vs. need question, because without knowing that, we can’t compare apples to apples with other schools.

Good morning @GeekMomPA , I’d encourage you to keep trying to reach out to the Financial Aid Office - I know they’d be more than happy to answer your question. If you continue to find the line busy, I’d suggest emailing them - they’re finaid[at]