Merit awards

My son is very interested In attending university of Wisconsin. Unfortunately , everything I’ve read seems to indicate they award very little merit awards. He is OOS in Illinois, , white male, 35 ACT and likely NMSF . What type of awards have those of you with similar statistics received?

NMF who are WI residents automatically receive the Kemper Knapp scholarship. This is a one year non-renewable award that this year was $7500. OOS NMF may receive it as funds permit. You could call to find out if that is routine or rare.;jsessionid=83pPRjxfncGm9ZlDwJLpK12xvbZNHsRnCQvJBtv22xy5DyW3hqvb!836908902?scholId=1185

You are correct that there is not much merit money available for non-minority students. I believe some depts, like engineering, award scholarship money, but do not know if that is available to freshmen, as not many freshmen are admitted directly into their major. You would need to call the depts of interest to ask about it. Guessing that business might also have some money.

Engineering, Letters & Science both have scholarship applications for incoming freshmen, but very few of the scholarships are for nonresidents, most are single year with a range of $500-$2000.

Last year 1500 freshmen applied for L&S scholarships (recommended that applicants have at least a 4.0 and 31 ACT). The 84 scholarships mainly went to WI residents (probably fewer than 10 to nonresidents).