Merit Based Scholarships...

<p>When are students notified of merit-based scholarships? Do you have to apply for them, or are you automatically considered?</p>

<p>Look here for information about U Wisconsin scholarships:</p>

<p>UW-Madison</a>, Office of Student Financial Services Undergrad Scholarships</p>

<p>For a freshman OOS student, it appears that you will be offered one of the Vilas scholarships - worth $400. They're automatic, no separate application. I'd imagine the scholarship notification will come with your financial aid forms in April.</p>

<p>Much of the merit money is held by the departments and awarded to their best upperclassman students--not to freshman. UW is working on this but there is a way to go. Look at it this way. OOS is $10K cheaper than Michigan right now so every OOS student is getting a $10,000 grant--not a loan.</p>

<p>Also check out your local UW alum chapter (Wisconsin</a> Alumni Association - home) who routinely hand out scholarship from $1K-$10K. Except maybe Chicago, most areas tend to less competitive.</p>

<p>okay, thanks guys. do you get any incentives with honors, or just more work lol?</p>

<p>oregonian: yes, i have thought about that, that's a very valid point</p>

<p>anyone know (seriously now) why michigan is so expensive OOS? i mean it's not like it's an incredibly expensive state to live in, and IS students still have to pay around 20k...</p>

<p>also, on the wisco alumni page, where do you go to find your local chapter?</p>

<p>Found it- click on (lists on left side) WAA Members; then chapters and affiliates; then Search by, pick Wis or USA, Go and you will be able to locate any existing local group. I never bothered to join...</p>