Merit chances?

Hi everyone! I was wondering what my chances of getting any merit aid are if I’m admitted to Miami.

ACT: 33
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.75 (school only has one type)
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): n/a
AP (place score in parentheses): Psychology (5), U.S. History (4), Lang & Comp (4), Biology (3)
Senior Year Course Load: AP U.S. Gov, AP Stats, AP Lit, Honors Physics, Calculus, Orchestra, Economics
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): n/a

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parentheses): Varsity tennis (captain), FBLA (secretary, 4th place states), drug prevention club at my school, gay straight alliance, symphony orchestra, probably a couple more I’m not thinking of
Job/Work Experience: intern/ambassador for a popular online magazine
Volunteer/Community Service: helped organize Relay For Life in my community but I can’t remember if I included that on my app
Summer Activities: Ivy league precollege before senior yr, another precollege program at a top 30 school before junior yr, 5 college courses with transferable credit total

State (if domestic applicant): PA (outside Philadelphia)
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: one of the top high schools in state, small public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female
Income: >500k, did not apply for FA/report this on app
Hooks (URM, first generation college): none

So far I’ve been accepted to Tulane, Penn State (Smeal), Ohio State (Fisher), Pitt, and Fordham (Gabelli at Rose Hill).
Thank you so much and good luck to everyone!

I think your chances are good for scholarship$. My son just received a letter today ( he applied and was accepted ED) awarding him $17,000 per year merit scholarship. He had a 3.55 GPA(W) , 3.5 UW, 1410 on the new SAT, is a 4 year varsity basketball player, played AAU off season, has one charitable organization he founded, and had 1 AP (Environmental Science-4) when he applied. Senior year he is taking AP LIt and AP HUGS along with Calc ( not AP, Law and Gov., Physics- not AP). He goes to a very academically rigorous public school in CT that is highly regarded.He is white and we are not applying for financial aid.Good luck!

Well…this is embarrassing! The award letter I opened and referenced above was from Miami University in Ohio,- not University of Miami!! My son was accepted ED to U of M and EA to Miami at Ohio. He had just finished sending in his deposit to U of M earlier in the day and his friend, who was also accepted ED to U of M, had just received a letter awarding a merit scholarship so I had U of M on the brain and did not notice that it came from Miami at Ohio when I opened the envelope. My husband and I had a day of elation thinking we had hit the jackpot. Oh well! But, btw, my son’s friend’s award was around $50k over 4 years and he had a 3.7 GPA and 32 ACT. Nothing extraordinary on EC’s.

No worries!! Thank you so much for responding and congrats to your son!

Hello! I am looking forward to hearing back from UofM. I was wondering what my chances of getting in are and potential scholarship $. GPA: 3.3(Unweighted) ACT: 32. I go to the #1 public school in MA and am currently taking 2 AP classes and 2 Honors classes. EC: Three years of Varsity lacrosse, five art pieces published in a literary and art magazine, guitar (7 years), soccer referee, model UN.