Merit Hall vs Jorns Hall

<p>Jorns (and close by Humphrey) is owned by the Ag school, not Res Halls, even though it is among the Lakeshore dorms. “Housing” likely means Res Halls and not the Ag School Short Course dorms. Therefore they won’t have the same “marketing” photos or rules/amenities Res Halls does- except in the fall when Res Halls uses space for overflow until dorm resident numbers stabilize (there are always those with dorm contracts who are no shows or drop out) the Res Halls dorm residents in the temporary housing have Res Halls rules and amenities.</p>

<p>I don’t understand the link with ethnic foods and meats. Unless you mean sausages and other processed foods which will have plenty of chemicals/nitrates… I also think you need to rethink your trust of dorm food over restaurants and buying foods from the stores. Res Halls food is locally run, not by some off campus business contracted as is done at many colleges.</p>

<p>@wis75 - My point about the food is that whomever it is run by they are people just like you and I are. And no-one is perfect in the food service industry. Many places are plagued with the same problems. Maybe the food has been sitting out all day, maybe it has hair or bugs in it, it may be what they say it is or it may not, etc. etc. And the biggest issue I have is that I have no way of really knowing what’s in the food that I am buying unless I do it myself. I have heard of and read about numerous cases where eating establishments advertise one thing but in reality serve something totally different. And that goes for here, at my grandma’s place in Tokyo, and many other places I have visited. I simply do not like to trust people with my food no matter where I am unless I know the person. That is all I am emphasizing. But since I can bring my stove along then it should not be a big deal at all.</p>

<p>And I honestly usually feel that it tastes better when I cook food myself OR if I know the cook. You see, when I cook it myself, I get good food that I personally know what it is AND I get to learn new recipes as well. </p>

<p>Do you need to check if the airline will allow you to bring it? You sound like a world traveler so maybe you already know the answer to that question. :)</p>

<p><a href=“What Can I Bring? Sporting & Camping | Transportation Security Administration”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;