Merit Money at UGA, OOS.

<p>Hello, I'm from Ohio and may be interested in attending UGA. OOS tuition @ UGA, like most schools, sucks, but UGA does offer some scholarships, and I was wondering how competitive I'd be for one. I don't really think I have any shot at FF/Ramseys, but I'll apply just for the hell of it. But I'm hoping to get a Charter scholarship. For OOS people, right that reduces tuition to In-state rates, so about 6k?</p>

<p>What do you think my chances would be:
White Male OOS
3.8ish UW GPA(not sure what my UGA GPA would be)
4.2-4.3 W GPA (4.5 is about as high as you can go at my school)
30-32 on ACT. A little bit of a variable here, I know I can get at least a 30, which would be a little low for $, but with work I think I can get a 31-32. SAT will be at least 1300, like above, with work I'm hoping for 1400+.
EC's: Eagle Scout, couple of clubs, MIGHT have some study abroad experience(summer or school year). But nothing to earth shattering, or no real "hook"</p>

<p>So what do you think?</p>

<p>Also it says on College Board that UGA meets about 80% of need for students. But, I was assuming that UGA was like most public schools and only gave significant aid to Georgia kids. But I guess the FA money would be used for R&B.</p>

<p>But anyways, say if I don’t get a Charter scholarship, do you think I can get OOS rates down from 22k to maybe 12k through over scholarships? I’d like To get it comparable to Ohio In-state tuition, about 10k, but that might be hard without a Charter. </p>


<p>I know they offer a number of out-of-state tuition waivers ranging from full to like 2/3. However, due to the budget cuts in Georgia I would think they might not offer too many of them next year since they’re directly funded by the Board of Regents. It can’t hurt to apply though and see what happens…</p>

<p>Yeah, I think I’d have a decent shot at a waiver, but the budgets cuts at pretty much every single State school in the country sucks.</p>

<p>But, are the only waivers they give out are the Charters? And some of those go to instate people too, but they already go for free with Hope? Or do they sometimes give other waivers that aren’t Charter to OOS kids?</p>

<p>Do think I may get something if I’m OOS and have an ACT score of 31? Tuition waiver would be really nice. </p>
