Merit/Scholarship money for athletes?

<p>Has anyone had a child go to Merrimack and receive extra consideration for merit/scholarship money for playing a sport? I know in some colleges, coaches will push admissions for players that they really want on the team to receive scholarship money that they would normally not qualify for. I know they have athletic scholarships at Merrimack, but of course not all the players are covered. They have a limited number of scholarship slots and I was wondering if the have "incentives" for the other slots on a team.</p>


<p>May I ask - what sport, how much (ballpark), and did you get assured by the coach that you would get this scholarship help?</p>


<p>I do not have any inside information but I seriously doubt the “definately” response. If definately is true than the whole concept of scholarship limits is totally bogus … as a coach I give out my X scholarships and all the other players get special treatment on FA or Merit … and essentially everyone has a bball scholarship. At the D1 level the aid of non-scholarship players is monitored by the NCAA to enforce the scholarship limits … and I would guess, and it is a guess, that a similar thing is done for D2. Schools might be able to push the edge of FA or Merit aid a bit … but I doubt they can go way over a typical award of a non-athlete.</p>

<p>They certainly do push the limit by giving merit and FA to kids that have not received athletic grants. There is also the opportunity for these athletes to get paid job opportunities.</p>