Merit Scholarships at Binghamton?

Does Binghamton offer merit scholarships to incoming freshman students? If they do, are the students notified when they receive acceptance package? And how much do they cover?

No, they don’t. You might be invited into Scholars.

Binghamton’s website said most of their scholarships are need-based, and even those are competitive because of limited funds. Do you have an affordable school lined up, @anita96?

Binghamton does not give out merit scholarships to freshmen. I do t think they give out anything need based either outside of the EOP program. There are scholarships that upperclassmen may qualify for that are based on GPA.

An admissions counselor visited my school, and he seemed to think that some merit scholarships are given… I’m OOS so maybe that makes a difference. He said they are between $4k and $10k a year.

I just received a letter in the mail today awarding me $12,000 a year, renewable for four years so they do give some kind of merit scholarships. :slight_smile:

@Oreo121212, can you give some more details? You’re out of state, I assume. Stats? School applied to? When accepted? Were you Scholars? Etc.

@jamesjunkers‌, I applied EA in October and found out I was accepted some time in December. I’m from New Jersey, so yeah, out of state. I got into the scholars program and FRI a month or two later. About 3.75 unweighted GPA, 3.95 weighted GPA, 580 writing, 610 reading, 800 math, 32 ACT, NHS, Girl Scout for 10 years and bronze/silver awards, job teaching gymnastics for the past 3 years. I also applied to monmouth, marist, NYU, and Lehigh, but committed to Binghamton on February 18th before hearing back from all of them. The merit scholarship was not offered to me because of my committing though. I’m honestly really surprised at all the opportunities Binghamton offered me!

Well congrats!

I received a merit scholarship worth $32,000 ($8,000/yr). I’m an in state student (from NYC).
CR:700 M:680 W:680
I thought that Binghamton did not award merit scholarships, so it was absolutely surprising. I have also been invited to the Scholars Program and Freshman Research Immersion so Binghamton is looking like one of my top choices.

Hmm… @bedfordchild, how long after your acceptance did this come? :-?

@jamesjunkers I just received the letter this past Saturday. I was accepted to Binghamton back in December under early action.

@bedforchild, was there any name given to the scholarship or anything distinguishing? I, like you, was under the impression Bing didn’t give merit aid to in staters. Congrats though!!

My daughter, in state, also was accepted to scholars and FRI. We didn’t get any letter for merit $. CR 680 math 700, writing 760. Getting merit $ would seal the deal.

Son awarded $8k/year scholarship - total $32k for four years. No mention of being
Invited into scholars. Was offered essentially same at Stony Brook - full tuition plus fees. So we’d be paying room and board. We are in state. 2210 sat (750 math, 750 cr, 720 writing). 93.5 gpa, weighted.

I just received a letter letting me know that I received a merit scholarship for 48k (12k renewable annually) in the mail today. I didn’t think there were any major merit scholarships so I was surprised and very excited because Binghamton is my top choice. I applied EA and got accepted in December, and was also accepted into the scholars program. I don’t know what FRI is but I’m not planning on going into the hard sciences or research. I have about a 3.75 unweighted GPA and 4.65 weighted (I attended the U of MN full time (with undergrad status) for my junior and senior years in order to fulfill my high school credits, through a program called PSEO), 34 on the ACT, and 740 (reading), 670 (math) and 630 (writing) on the SAT. I’ve worked as a cashier for the past year, been a girl scout for over 10 years (I didn’t complete the silver or gold awards, but I’ve done lots of other volunteer work through the program), and practiced horseback riding for nearly 10 years (I don’t think the common app had me specify what discipline, so I just put “Equestrian”, but I have ridden mostly hunterseat/hunter-jumper and some dressage in the past year). I also applied to Washington and Lee, William and Mary, Vanderbilt, St. Olaf and UW Madison but have so far only heard from St. Olaf, as most of the schools only offered ED and not EA (and Madison was an afterthought). I live out of state, in case that wasn’t clear.

@Oreo121212 See you next fall, if all goes well :smile:
@2girls2015‌ If we use me as a baseline I would be surprised if she wasn’t offered any money for merit, even if in-state/out-of-state makes a difference.

I think it’s strsnge my son has been offered a scholarship but not the scholars program. Possibly because his GPA is a bit lower than others though his SATs are pretty high - 750 math, 750 cr.

@Sapphire50‌ Did he apply early action or regular decision? Students who apply EA get priority and a secured spot if they accept before March 13th, but after that it’s only available to them on a space available basis. My mom did some research and thinks this is because they want to see how many spots they have left to offer to regular decision students (or perhaps EA students who weren’t offered it first time around). I’m not sure how accurate this is but that’s what I’ve heard.

@ladyluckxixi No, he applied regular decision, submitted common app on Dec. 1. He is leaning toward Stony Brook becuase he wants to be a physics major, but still interested to see if a scholars offer is made. Still weighing several private offers, though even with scholarships, those schools are way more expensive for us that the SUNYs.

Did the merit scholarship letters come in the US mail or were they in the email sent from the financial aid office? Also were they listed in the Student Information System under Financial Aid in the Award tab?