Merit Scholarships entering 2019

Hi, my first post! I am wondering when merit scholarships are usually updated? DD is on track to be a NMSF and fingers crossed a NMF and she is really interested in UA!. With OU NMF package value dropping recently, just hoping same doesn’t happen in Alabama!

The UA package just went up significantly in the past few months, and is one of the most awesome scholarships I have ever seen. I think it is a good sign for your DD that UA is enhancing this scholarship.

Thanks so much, we hope so!

I agree. Looks like they’re focusing merit money on NMFs for the foreseeable future.

What’s the new UA merit aid package? I don’t see anything new at

It’s unfortunate for DD19 if they really are focusing on NMF, She missed the NMF cutoff and “only” got a 34 on the ACT. And getting a 36 seems like a real long shot.

I believe they usually are updated in mid-July

Anyone have an idea why the focus is on NMF? So UA can claim the largest number of NMF freshmen? Or does it get students to commit to UA earlier in the process? Just curious.

I have several “ideas”, but they certainly aren’t official. It is pretty much what you imply however.

  1. It is a “no effort” way to identify and offer top talent. With large matriculation, state schools can not afford to examine things like ECs in detail in order to evaluate great candidates. This is especially important during a general period of significant growth as we discussed in the other thread.
  2. It comes with some attached free press
  3. It does allow the University to be visible on those “top lists”
  4. NMF focus is not new. Alabama has been near the top of this list for some time along with large publics like OU, aTm, UNCch. The privates are places like U Chicago, Harvard, USC.

There is an article on this subject from about a year ago in the NYT. Although I am not a an of the Times, I would suggest it to anyone who has not read it.

Talked to scholarship office at Alabama today, they have “heard” no changes but it will be posted on their website next week!

I suspect if there are any changes next year, they will come later in the process and be along the lines of sweetening the other merit packages. (I only see this happening if the number of Presidential Scholars drops dramatically.) Hard to beat what they’re currently offering in the NMF and Presidential Elite packages since they restored the extra three years of housing, which had been eliminated a few years ago.

Here’s a link to the Times article: @DavidPuddy is referencing: It’s from November 2016.

And here’s another one from November 2015 that specifically discusses National Merit Finalists:

I found both articles pretty “fair and balanced,” given that the comments section included folks accusing the Times of serving as an extension of Bama’s PR department, along with those who found it overly critical.

(Probably not a popular opinion in this forum, but I am a fan of the NYT, and a paid subscriber. Which doesn’t mean I don’t think they have room to improve. Still better than the vast majority of news outlets out there. YMMV.)

New packages were posted this afternoon. We were there on VIP tour and they told us it was coming. It was posted within the last hour or so.

Didn’t the Presidential Elite get a bump in years of housing along with NMF this past spring? If so, expect the NMF to be back to one year of housing.

I was asking about scholarships today, and I was confused by the answer the admissions officer gave us about the Presidential Elite scholarship. Our son meets the GPA now, and currently has a 34 ACT. I asked if he retook it,and got 36, what would the amount be and she said still Presidential.

Presidential ACT and SAT requirements are 1 point and 60 points lower respectively and the award went up $1000 a year.

@LucieTheLakie I think the Elite was still only the one year of housing. S19 qualifies and in February was given info matching this latest update. If you check the NMF it is still the new upgraded package with 4 years of housing. UA is still a major contender at our house. :slight_smile:

No, Presidential Elite for 2018 was 1 year housing. Only NMF is 4 years on campus.

Thanks, @mountainmomof3. That makes more sense.

@DavidPuddy, thanks. Was the NMF for 2018 always four years or did they add those extra three years at the last minute?

I would say they added the other 3 years so late it could be called after the last minute. :slight_smile: