Merit scholarships for electrical engineering

Thanks! Btw - I think the timing is more a North-South thing than East-West. UNC for example is normally mid-August to early-May.

My son was accepted into Barrett, computer engineering major. Do you have any insight regarding internship opportunities provided for engineering majors? My son is deciding between ASU and Cal Poly and we feel internships are extremely important.

Both will be fine - ASU is quickly moving up. Cal Poly is great.

You can go to lesser schools - it’s engineering. You can’t go wrong.

My son is at Alabama. His friend is EE and found a summer internship (after sophomore year…last year very difficult). My son is working for a major auto manufacturer this Summer - on his team is a Ga Tech (top of the top) and U of Houston.

I think people are overstating the ranking thing. Yes, it’s awesome you get in but there are great engineers everywhere and if you are a go getter, you will find a job. Today most are from linkedin/indeed/handshake, not the school.

Yesterday, an airplane manufacturer in MN reached out for an interview…my son had accepted. The point is - choose the right fit. Both will be fine.

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Which Cal Poly…Pomona or SLO?

Cal Poly SLO


I agree with @tsbna44 that as a computer engineering major your son should be able to find internship opportunities regardless of which school he picks.

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my D is looking for internships now - in architecture. as she’s looking for places to apply, (and i’m helping her) i’m noticing a ton of engineering internships. there are so many compared to her field. My son will look next summer after his sophomore year, and i’m feeling quite optimistic about it all.

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There’s a ton of civil engineering - like state of TN that were really architecture jobs. Also, we saw some for meritage homebuilders, etc.

There’s a ton!!!

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