Merit Scholarships

<p>My parents are trying to find out what scholarship money i can get with a 26 on my ACT in top 40% of my class. Im already qualified for $8,000 at Arizona State, a grand at OU, and in-state tuition at Arkansas. Does anybody know if i can get any scholarship with a 26 on my ACT (its the only thing i have going for me) for TCU? I live in Texas btw</p>

<p>An ACT of 26 is only one point above the 25% line for enrolled students at TCU. That means that more than half of those enrolled had higher scores, so it is pretty unlikely to be enough to earn you any scholarship money at TCU. Below is a link to a website that shows all the 25%/75% ACT figures for many Texas colleges.</p>

<p>[ACT</a> Scores for Top Texas Colleges - Compare ACT Scores for 13 Top Texas Colleges and Universities](<a href=“]ACT”>Texas Colleges: Compare ACT Scores for Admission)</p>

<p>Good luck on your college search!</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Over 65% of TCU’s entering freshmen are ranked in the top 20% of their class. So yeah, pretty unlikely.</p>

<p>I’m a National Merit Scholar and had an SAT Score in the range for TCU’s Chancellor’s Scholarship. I was even told that I’d be interviewing for the scholarship, but none of that happened. I got slapped in the face with the Dean’s Scholarship (about 70k out of 180k, almost nothing). TCU really doesn’t care for academics much, just have a few country club memberships and you’ll fit in.</p>

<p>First off, a Dean’s Scholarship is not a slap in the face. Please be aware that you just offended a whole group of hard working people. The country club remark is also out of hand. Maybe the adcom sensed your attitude (through some level of arrogance in your application) and didn’t want your “nastiness” around this great school. Shame. Grow up. To answer the question, it might be a stretch for you to get a merit award but you’ll never know until you apply and get your packet back. Make sure you apply early for best consideration. Go for it and good luck.</p>

<p>Toxic, where are you attending this fall? I recruited NMs for Univ of Houston and was one myself (on full ride). For what it’s worth, SMU makes all students compete for scholarships and NMs don’t automatically get a big one like they do at public universities.</p>