Merit scholarships

<p>How generous is Champlain with merit scholarships? All I’ve seen are vague references to ranges but no concrete info on amounts, required GPAs or test scores. My D absolutely loved the school, but its price is steep and we don’t qualify for much need based FA. Anyone have any info? </p>

<p>My son is a Junior at Champlain. It’s true, the merit money is not high but the sticker price is somewhat lower than other comparable small privates. I think my son gets about $11,000 in merit aid through a combination of grants and scholarships. We thought long and hard and compared other offers before deciding on Champlain. The program that he decided on has an excellent record for post grad employment. His GPA from HS was around 3.5UW and had about 1800 on his SAT’s. He had several AP’s and a few college classes under his belt.</p>