Merit Scholarships

<p>Just wondering what you all think my chances for a merit scholarship would be and which one I would get. Also when do merit scholarship awards go out, I applied early action? My stats are-
GPA- 3.98/4
GPA (weighted out of 5)- 4.47/5
SAT- 2120
Rank- 10/483
10 AP Classes after this year (I'm a senior, I have completed 6)
Decent essay and recommendation letters, 2 season athlete, lots of leadership and 200 service hours. </p>

<p>You may have a chance with the Dean’s Scholarship which is 50% tuition for the four years with GPA maintenance requirements. Both of my kids received that with pretty similar stats…they both were a bit higher on the W GPA. One was EA and one was regular.2010 & 2014.</p>

<p>When did your child find out about merit scholarship with TCU ??
Was it in her admission package ??
My daughter has received 2 admissions/merit scholarships from other schools (Belmont and SLU)</p>

<p>At Mondays at TCU, the financial aid office indicated merit aid not determined right away, because they do not have set criteria, they move the guidelines based on the info from the students.</p>

<p>Both found out about a month after their acceptance packets were received. Last year daughter was EA heard in mid-Dec. and got the merit info in mid January. TCU splits the two up vs. mailing all out at once. Then it’s waiting for the Milton Daniel Honors College offer which can go all the way to April/May.</p>

<p>@terriw‌ … all applicants are considered for the Honors College, right?</p>

<p>Yes, mom2MTkid. You don’t have to apply.</p>

<p>Notifications are starting to go out for merit scholarships. My son just received his today. It’s a large purple envelope that’s different from the acceptance envelope. Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>@SATX53 you mean the exact amount your son received, or the scholarship awarding process?</p>

<p>Both. He was awarded a Deans Scholarship and found out he’s a finalist for the Chancellor’s Scholarship. I know that will be a very competitive process. It was postmarked 12/18.</p>

<p>@SATX53‌ did the letter say anything about the honors college? </p>

<p>^ I received my scholarship info (Deans with a chance for Chancellor’s) in one package and then received a folder with an honors college insignia on the front</p>

<p>I don’t live near texas so I haven’t gotten anything in the mail but got the registration on my portal so I was trying to figure out if this meant I am in the honors college and get the deans scholarship at least</p>

<p>@SATX53 did you receive an email prior to receiving the snail mail? I’ve been waiting so long for the post mail :frowning: And where do you live?</p>

<p>@hcasey315 where did you see the registration on the portal?</p>

<p>@MollyN under events on the home page </p>

<p>No email, just the letter. We live in San Antonio. Good luck and keep in mind the mail can be very slow this time of year. </p>

<p>@hcasey There was nothing about the Honors College with our letter. </p>

<p>Honors College invites come separately and can come anytime from now through April. In fact, if you are really interested and haven’t heard by early march and have the stats to support, you can writ your admissions rep in your area and ask her/him to advocate for you. The main thing is early registration for classes and the Honors dorm. </p>

<p>@SATX53 What were your son’s stats?</p>