Merit Scholarships

@jc40 just curious what creative thing he did with the extra paper :). Guessing his GPA kept him from deans?

Just talked to the admissions office. They said letters should be received by early part of next week if an award was given. No notification if no award. So if a letter doesn’t arrive by Tuesday I will stop hoping.

I received the deans scholarship:
4.0 GPA
12 APs
4 year varsity athlete

I received the Faculty Scholarship (15K/yr):
act - 30
4.0 GPA junior year uw
3.7 GPA cumulative uw
2 APs
Yearbook EIC
Varsity Dance Member for 3 years

I recieved the deans scholarship and another one (total 35k)
4.0 GPA
class rank:1
(Int. student)

This implies the applicants on EAII and RD are not scholarship eligible?

@Toolee‌ - From TCU FA/Scholarship Brochure:

November 1 Early Action and Early Decision deadlines. All students are considered for scholarship, but if you believe you are a candidate for the Chancellor’s Scholarship,it is recommended that you apply by this date or shortly thereafter.

February 15 Last date to apply for admission. All applicants are automatically considered for scholarship until they are

So, if there is no money left, I guess EAII and RD may not get any. But, I don’t know the history and the full extent of TCU’s resources.